Thursday, November 20, 2014

Safety Reminder

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dear Parents,

There was an attempted abduction of a 7th grade male student from St. Philip School in Noe Valley yesterday afternoon shortly after dismissal. The student was waiting by the Church steps.  Luckily he did everything correctly when he felt he was in a bad situation, running, screaming and asking for help.

The following is a description of the attempted kidnapper: Male, dressed in a white or light gray sweatshirt with a hoodie, navy or gray sweatpants and is described as Latino, with brown eyes and approximately 5'9" to 5'10". There is a possible, but not confirmed report that the man came from a white mini van with darkened windows.

Parents, please use this reminder to talk to your children about a good plan when walking home or when you are late picking them up. Consider having your child walk with a buddy or in groups. If there is a delay in picking up your child, let them know that they should sign into Extended Care. 

All students need to wait for their rides by the school gates. No student should be waiting up by the church once traffic patrol has been called in. Remember also that there was an attempted break-in at the church just a few weeks ago and there are several homeless people sheltering under the freeway overpass just south of our school. We are located very near the freeway and a quick escape route for anyone wanting to make a quick getaway.

Blessings to all,

Marie Fitzpatrick
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

STM Newsletter

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7th grade present La Boheme as part of Opera a la Carte
Dear Parents:
As Thanksgiving approaches we have much for which we are thankful. It is a time of year when we think of others less fortunate. Your generous response to our peanut butter collection is a wonderful sign of your thoughtfulness and a great example for your children of giving to the local community. As a reminder, we are collecting peanut butter for the St. Vincent de Paul society. If we reach our goal of 500 jars of peanut butter by Friday, December 12th, the student body will enjoy free dress on Friday, December 19th. Keep these donations coming. We are well on our way to our goal as we have already collected over 160 jars!
Next week's schedule leaves us with only two short days of school. Monday, November 24th, being the 4th Monday of the month, is a minimum day. A hot dog lunch will be available for purchase by those attending extended care that day. Please remember that next Tuesday, November 25th we begin our Thanksgiving break with minimum day dismissal, 12:15/12:30. Extended Care will be available. School will resume on Monday, December 1st.
We won't be here to do a Wednesday newsletter next week, however, we will send home the relevant flyers we receive for distribution on Tuesday.
SCHOOL TOURS: Today we were happy to meet with seven families for another school tour. We are very grateful to our 8th grade student ambassadors for doing such a stellar job by sharing information about our wonderful school with prospective families. Our next tour is scheduled for December 3rd. Please use this link to reserve a space. A reminder that kindergarten applications are available in the office or can be downloaded from our website. Please share this information with your family and friends. Don't forget that Utopia families and siblings or current students interested in kindergarten for the 2014-2015 school year must complete an application form if you have not already done so.
TOY DRIVE: Again this year we are participating in the San Francisco Fire Fighters Toy Program. Please consider donating new, unwrapped toy(s) for kids ages infant to 12 years old. Let's continue to "be the good" to less fortunate kids in our community, especially at this time of the year. We will continue collecting the toys until Dec. 16.
ZUMBATHON: The Zumbathon is coming to STM this Saturday night from 5:00-7:00pm in the gym. This fun event will feature our very own Ceci Sainez (2nd grade mom) and Adriana Bessa (6th grade mom) as the Zumba instructors. Please join us as we glow in the dark and dance, dance, dance. Check out the reservation and raffle flyers you are receiving today.
DECEMBER 7th: Please mark December 7th on your calendar as an exciting day here at STM. We will begin the day with the presentation of our First Communion and Confirmation candidates at our 10:00am Family Mass, followed by a Pancake Breakfast presented by the 7th and 8th grade dads, and a visit with Santa in Carroll Hall.
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: Please save Thursday night, December 11th, for our school's presentation of our Christmas Program. We will begin at 7:00pm in the Church and all students, preschool through 8th grade will have a part in this program.
SANDWICHES-FOR-THE-NEEDY: This Friday, November 21st, is our next collection of sandwiches-for-the-needy. All are welcome to participate and the 7th and 3rd graders and are charged with taking the lead that day. In order to facilitate the distribution of sandwiches, we have been asked to provide just one type of sandwich: turkey on sliced white or brown bread. We thank you in advance for what we hope will be another huge collection for those at the Martin de Porres House of Hospitality.

COLD WEATHER: During these cold and wintery days, please be sure to send your child to school with a warm coat or jacket. While we understand that it may be raining upon drop-off and pick-up, we strongly suggest your child does not bring an umbrella to school. Often the strong winds and heavy rain make the umbrellas difficult to use, especially for the younger children.
As we come to the day when we recognize all for which we should be thankful, we are especially mindful of you. You continue to support so many of our efforts by your presence and participation. These efforts have continued for years. Thank you, thank you, thank you and enjoy a great holiday with family and friends!

Marie Fitzpatrick
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

STM Newsletter

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STM 6th grade students celebrating the 60th Anniversary
Dear Parents:
Thank you for your presence and support at the 60th Anniversary last Sunday. A special thank you to the sixth graders and their teacher Ms. Bryan for putting together such a beautiful and reverent mass. It was wonderful to see so many current families and alumni at this event.
As we continue to prepare for Thanksgiving, please consider joining us on Tuesday, November 25th, for a Thanksgiving prayer service presented by first grade in the gym at 10:45am.
PEANUT BUTTER COLLECTION: As a reminder, we are collecting peanut butter for the St. Vincent de Paul society. If we reach our goal of 500 jars of peanut butter by Friday, December 12th, the student body will enjoy free dress on Friday, December 19th. Please send a jar (or two!), any kind, any size with your child by Friday, December 12th.
SCRIP: Start your Christmas shopping now! Order your scrip by 6am on Friday November 14th and receive it next Wednesday, November 19th, the last day to receive gift cards before Thanksgiving break.
OUTDOOR EDUCATION PARENT MEETING: All 5th and 6th grade parents are required to attend the mandatory meeting tomorrow night, Thursday, November 13th at 6:30pm in the 6th grade classroom.
DECEMBER 7th: Please mark December 7th on your calendar as an exciting day here at STM. We will begin the day with the presentation of our First Communion and Confirmation candidates at our 10:00am Family Mass, followed by a Pancake Breakfast presented by the 7th and 8th grade dads, and a visit with Santa in Carroll Hall.
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: Please save Thursday night, December 11th, for our school's presentation of our Christmas Program. We will begin at 7:00pm in the Church and all students, preschool through 8th grade will have a part in this program.
8TH GRADE RECOMMENDATIONS: This is the time of the year when 8th graders are busily writing their high school essays and completing their applications. Because of changing demographics many families attend church in Parishes other than where their school is located. Please remember that students will need to have their clergy recommendations signed by the pastor in the parish where they attend Mass and other church services. This will ensure that recommendations are written by a pastor who knows your child and who is familiar with your family's involvement in your local church. Please note that all recommendation forms will go directly to Mrs. Girlich. She will then distribute them to the appropriate staff members.

Marie Fitzpatrick
Copyright © 2014 St. Thomas More School, All rights reserved.
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Thursday, November 6, 2014

ID Cards Available


Student ID cards have arrived. They may be purchased, starting tomorrow. Please put $2 in an envelope, write your child’s name and grade and send to your child’s teacher. Cards are not available in the office.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

STM Newsletter

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The 3rd grade and Miss Beach in their free PINK dress they earned for collecting 129 lbs of pennies.
Dear Parents:
Last Saturday we began the month of November with the Feast of All Saints (November 1st) and All Souls (November 2nd). November is traditionally dedicated to those who have died and "have gone to their rest believing in Jesus Christ" (Eucharistic Prayer II). The month of November also draws to an end the liturgical calendar of the church. Throughout the month, scripture readings at mass reminds us of the last days, culminating with the Feast of Christ the King, November 24th, the closing of the Year of Faith and the National Holiday of Thanksgiving day, November 27th.
This Sunday, November 9th we invite everyone to celebrate our 60th Anniversary. Please join us as we honor St. Thomas More School!  The celebrations will begin with a special Mass at 10am, and will honor the more than 2,000 students who have graduated from St. Thomas More School over the past 60 years as well as current students and their families, and all that have been part of the STM community. Reunite with school friends from the 50's, 60's, or later! Following the Mass, please join the hundreds of alumni, former teachers, current students and families for a brunch in the Gym and enjoy a trip down memory lane as you wander the STM hallways and classrooms.
We hope your parent-teacher conferences are going well. The teachers always look forward to meeting with you and sharing the good news about your child's progress. Once again, our school showed very healthy IOWA test results with the majority of students scoring at or above the 75th percentile. Please remember to sign and return your child's report card. Just a reminder that every day this week is a minimum day, with dismissal at 12:15pm for grades K-3 and 12:30pm for grades 4-8.
SCHOOL TOURS: We held our first school tour yesterday and were happy to have 8 families join us. Thank you to our 8th grade student ambassadors who shared a wealth of information with those families. We have another three tours scheduled for November 19th, December 3rd and January 14th.  If you know anyone interested in learning more about our school, please encourage them to use this link to reserve a space on one of our tours. Applications for students new to the school for the 2015-16 school year are available from the office or can be downloaded from our website. Please share this information with your family and friends. Students currently enrolled in grades K-7 need not reapply. You will be receiving re-registration information in the spring.
PARENTS' CLUB MEETING: Please come and join us for our monthly meeting tomorrow night at 7pm in the Library.
SANDWICHES FOR THE NEEDY: 8th and 4th grade take the lead this Friday, November 7th in providing Sandwiches-for-the-needy.
STEAM SHOWCASE: Please join us tomorrow, Thursday, November 6th in the gym and Carroll Hall (mock trial) from 10:45-11:45 for the STEAM Showcase.
OUTDOOR EDUCATION PARENT MEETING: All 5th and 6th grade parents are required to attend the mandatory meeting next Thursday, November 13th at 6:30pm in the 6th grade classroom.
PEANUT BUTTER COLLECTION: As we move towards the holiday season, we want our students to continue to 'show a little kindness' by participating in our annual collection of peanut butter. Our collection this year, lead by the first graders, will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The St. Vincent de Paul Society has requested peanut butter, as it is a much-needed nutritious staple for them throughout the holiday season. Last years collection was so successful, that the students brought in about 500 jars in just 4 weeks. This year, our collection, which starts on Wednesday, November 12th, will also run over four weeks so our goal as a school is to again collect 500 jars. If we reach our goal of 500 jars of peanut butter by December 12th, the student body will enjoy free dress on Friday, December 19th. Please send a jar (or two!), any kind, any size with your child by Friday, December 12th.
PANORAMIC PICTURE: For the seventh year running, we are offering a 10"x30" panoramic student body picture for purchase. Lifetouch, our school picture company, will come this Friday, November 7th to take this picture of all students, preschool through 8th grade, and faculty in our gym at 11am. If you are interested in purchasing one, please return the order form you received last week with your child no later than this Friday, picture day. Panoramic photos are pre-pay only and additional items cannot be ordered later. The original pictures from the last six years are on display here in the school office. Drop by and check them out!

Please continue to keep Monsignor Labib in your prayers as he is undergoes another serious surgery. He continues to express his gratitude for your kind words and thoughtfulness.

Marie Fitzpatrick
Copyright © 2014 St. Thomas More School, All rights reserved.
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