Wednesday, September 26, 2012

STM Newsletter for Sep 26, 2012

Dear Parents:

Tomorrow is the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul. Vincent de Paul (24 April 1581 – 27 September 1660) was a priest of the Catholic Church who dedicated himself to serving the poor. He is a saint regarded in great respect. Vincent de Paul was canonized (officially declared a saint) in 1737. Please take a moment to read and reflect on the Prayer of Saint Vincent de Paul. Think about ways you can help make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
Dear Saint Vincent, the mere mention of your name suggests a litany of your virtues: humility, zeal, mercy, self-sacrifice. It also recalls your many foundations: Works of Mercy, Congregations, Societies. And the Church gratefully remembers your promotion of the priesthood. Inspire all Charitable Workers, especially those who minister to the poor - both the spiritually and the materially poor.

As some of you know, Peter Mingoa, father of Isabella, sixth grade, and Samantha, first grade, passed away suddenly a few days ago. The 8:30am Mass on Friday, September 28th will be offered for the repose of his soul. All are welcome to join us. Please keep the Mingoa family in your thoughts and prayers.

SANDWICHES-FOR-THE-NEEDY: This Friday, September 28th, is our next collection of sandwiches-for-the-needy. All are welcome to participate and the seventh and second graders are charged with taking the lead that day. We thank you in advance for what we hope will be another huge collection for those at the Martin de Porres House of Hospitality.

BLUE STAR MOMS: LAST CHANCE! We will continue to collect soaps, shampoos, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes and all the various supplies for the troops stationed overseas through October 4th. Please send them to your child’s classroom or the school office at your convenience.

FOOD FESTIVAL: If you are interested in some great food from all over the world, don’t forget that food and fun will be available here at the St. Thomas More Church’s 5th Annual International Food Festival in the schoolyard, both Saturday and Sunday. We also need lots of 2-liter sodas (name brands please, to make it more enticing to play).  Please leave soda donations at the school office. The Food Festival will also include a Poker tournament on Saturday night, September 29th. The buy-in is $50. Linda Shah has tickets for sale and can be contacted by email,, if you are interested. Blackjack tables are also be available for those who don't play poker. Great prizes!

LUNCH MENU/CALENDAR: We have included the October calendar of events in your Envelopes today as well as the school lunch menu for the month. Please keep them handy for reference. You will notice a change on the lunch menu this month. Students ordering lunch through our school program will now have a choice of three options each day. Students will still be able to order the hot lunch of the day if they choose to, however we now offer two healthier choices. We have added options of either an entrée Green Salad with Italian dressing or an entrée Chicken Caesar Salad to the menu. Each lunch option is $4 and includes the entrée/salad, a side, and milk. Stay tuned for more enhancements to the menu in the future.

ITBS TESTING: The annual ITBS testing concludes this week. Results of this testing will be shared with you at the November parent conferences.

FUNDRAISING CATALOGS: We have over 90% of your orders back, but we are still waiting for the stragglers. We need all the orders forms returned before we can place the school order. Please return those orders by this Friday, September 28th.

WINTER SPORTS SIGN-UPS: Online sign up is available now for boys' basketball  (3rd-8th grade) and girls' soccer (3rd-8th grade). Log on to the STM website and click on the ‘Athletics’ link to register. Please remember that registration fees of $80 are due by October 12.

UTOPIA PRESCHOOL AFTERNOON PROGRAM: After four years of an extremely successful all day preschool program and due to many requests, we are happy to announce the addition of our afternoon preschool program. The program will be offered daily from 2:00pm-6:00pm. Parents can choose from either a 3 or 5 day a week program. Please contact Gloria Perez (Director) at 415-317-6269 or if you are interested.

How quickly the first month has passed! Students are well settled into their routines and for the most part, are excited to learn new things and to come to school everyday!


Marie Fitzpatrick

Schoolwide Learning Expectations

St. Thomas More School students THINK!

Thoughtful, Spiritual Individuals
Highly Effective Communicators
Involved Citizens
Nurturing Individuals
Knowledge Seekers

Thursday, September 20, 2012

STM Newsletter for Sep 19, 2012

Dear Parents:

With the new school year well underway, and students learning more about Jesus an how to be good Catholics it is a reminder to all of us to ensure that we are also creating a Catholic spirit in our homes. Parents are the primary educators of their children. They must set a good example in every word they speak and in every act they perform in their children's sight. In particular, parents should remember that it is not enough to say, "Don't do this; don't do that." You must guide by example.

Make it a point to encourage them to show their lovev in deeds. Don't "do everything" for the child. Start when he/she is young and wants to help you, and train him/her to keep on. In this way your child will learn good habits of generous helping and serving. A child so trained, easily learns habits of prayer, of self-sacrifice, of virtue. The idea of doing things for the love God and others becomes part of the nature of the child.

Students continue with the IOWA Test of Basic Skills for the remainder of this week. We ask that students arrive at school on time, well rested, healthy and properly fed. All that will contribute to students’ well-above-average test scores.

Thank you to all who returned their catalog orders by today’s deadline. We have 75% of your orders back, but we are still waiting for the stragglers. We need all the orders forms returned before we can place the school order. The sooner we place that order, the sooner you will have the items back!

This Friday, September 21st, is a holiday for all students, Preschool through 8th grade. The faculty will engage in an all day in-service on that day to prepare for our WASC accreditation and visit in February.

This coming Monday, September 24th, is the first fourth-Monday-of-the–month for this school year. When school is in session, the Archdiocese declares minimum days for all Catholic schools in San Francisco on fourth Mondays. Please plan ahead for the day’s dismissal at 12:15(K-3) and 12:30(4-8). However, if you forget, don’t worry, your child will be placed in extended care until you arrive. As a treat, all students signed in to Extended Care on Monday will be able to purchase a hot dog lunch for $3.00.

Also next Monday, Olive the Storyteller will be here to tell tales to the kindergarten through third graders. Come and enjoy them, too. The first session begins at 8:30 followed by a second session beginning at 9:20 in Carroll Hall.

Today is Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day. In good pirate fashion we will celebrate this day next week on Wednesday, September 26th. We did not want the students to be distracted during testing. Students must wear their full uniform on this day, however, they may accessorize it with a pirate hat/bandana/eye patch (no weapons please). The student council will be selling tattoos, pins, and stickers for 50¢ each on this day also. Arrgg Mateys!

FOOD FESTIVAL: St. Thomas More Church is holding it's 5th Annual International Food Festival next Saturday and Sunday, September 29th and 30th in the schoolyard. Thank you to Doba Villatore- kindergarten parent and Shelley White- teacher and 4th grade parent for volunteering to help at the St. Thomas More Parents' Club booth during this fun event.  We need a few more volunteers; it would only be for an hour or two and will be lots of fun!  Please contact Monica Martinez at or 650-291-1878 if you can donate a bit of your time to help raise funds for our school. We also need lots of 2-liter sodas (name brands please, to make it more enticing to play).  Please leave soda donations at the school office.  Thank you for your support of our children!!  The Food Festival will also include a Poker tournament on Saturday night, September 29th. The buy-in is $50. Linda Shah has tickets for sale and can be contacted by email,, if you are interested. Blackjack tables are also be available for those who don't play poker. Great prizes!

SANDWICHES-FOR-THE-NEEDY: Please don’t forget that next Friday, September 28th, is our next collection ofsandwiches-for-the-needy. All are welcome to participate and the seventh and second graders are charged with taking the lead that day. This year, Students in the upper grades will join with residents at Alma Via Last to make sandwiches in addition to those sent from home. We are thankful to Monsignor Labib and St. Thomas More Church who have offered to help cover the costs for the sandwich supplies used by our students. Last week, over 400 sandwiches were collected! Let’s try again next week for the same great collection. What a wonderful example of neighbors working together for a good cause.

PERSONAL ITEMS COLLECTION: Please remember that we will continue to collect personal items for the Blue Star Moms organization to provide to our troops stationed overseas through October 4th. Thank you to those who have already brought in donations; please keep them coming.

YARD DUTY: Thank you to all who have volunteered for yard duty. To sign up, please visit, click on the Parents’ Club link and then click ‘SIGN UP NOW.’ When you arrive to do yard duty, please sign in at the office. Next to the sign in sheet in the office you will find yellow tags the say Parent Yard Supervisor. Please use these tags while on duty to identify you as one of the official yard supervisors. Return tags to the front office before you leave. If you are doing yard duty before schoolplease remember that we need one volunteer supervisor to stay close to the gate to ensure that any of the younger students do not leave the yard and if we have a second volunteer, we ask that you stand in the general area by the fountain.

AFTERNOON EXTENDED CARE: Just a reminder that afternoon extended care runs from dismissal, no matter what time that is, each day until 6:00 p.m. The only exceptions are the day before Christmas break, December 19th, and the last day of the school year, June 12th. We really try to discourage any one from leaving their child(ren) past 6:00 p.m., however, we do understand that emergencies happen and there is a special $1.00 per minute charge for care after 6:00 p.m. Please call the extended care program at 415-337-1003 if you are going to be later than 6:00 p.m. for any reason.

FROM THE ATHLETIC BOARD: Our next Dads’ and Grads’ Pick-Up Game will be this Sunday, September 23th, from 6 pm-8 pm at the St. Thomas More Gym. Hope to see you then!

RESOURCES: Check out the Community Based Organization Resource List on our website. It features local resources for tutoring, counseling/social services, health services and enrichment/art programs.

A reminder to us all to be a little more careful when driving. Our condolences go out to Monsignor Labib whose small dog, Colton, was struck on Brotherhood Way this week. Please keep Monsignor in your thoughts and prayers.


Marie Fitzpatrick  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

STM Newsletter for September 12, 2012

Dear Parents:

Today we began our morning assembly with the Hail Mary in Spanish. Please practice this prayer along with your child so that we all become familiar with the words.

AVE MARIA (Hail Mary in Spanish)
Dios te salve, María, llena eres de gracia, el Señor es contigo.
Bendita tú ere entre todas las mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús.
Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros, pecadores,
ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte.
Training of our Altar Servers started yesterday after school. We thank our 6th grade teacher, Julianne Beach for volunteering to prepare the children for this important service to their church. The next training date is Tuesday, September 18th from 3-4 at St. Thomas More Church.

Thank you for your presence and support at the Back-to-School Mass last Sunday. A special thank you to the eighth graders and their teacher Mrs. Spiegel for putting together such a beautiful and reverent service. Thank you also to Monsignor Labib for involving so many of our students in such a creative way during his homily. It was nice to see so many of you there. Thank you for your generous support of the second collection of $1388.25, which goes to support the school and its programs.

SANDWICHES-FOR-THE-NEEDY: Our first sandwiches-for-the-needy collection is this Friday, September 14th with the first and eighth graders taking the lead. Thanks to Jessica Ramirez (mom of Liz, 3rd grade) for offering to deliver sandwiches this Friday. Are you available to deliver sandwiches to the Martin de Porres House of Hospitality at 11am on Friday, September 28th? Please contact the school office if you can help.

TOILETRIES FOR TROOPS: We continue to collect travel size toiletries for our troops through October 4th. This is a great way to donate any unused travel size products you may have collected over the summer. Thank you to those who have already brought in donations; please keep them coming. Check out the flyer you are receiving today for more information.

PICTURE DAY: Remember, this Friday, September 14th is picture day for all Preschool through 8th grade students and staff. Please make sure your child is in full uniform.

PIZZA SALE: Today the students enjoyed the first Hot Dog Sale of the year. Thank you to Maria Sweileh (mom of Nizar, 8th grade) who has volunteered to tally the orders once again this year. We are in need of parents to help prepare and distribute the hot dogs on sale days throughout the year. If you are available, please let the office know.

IOWA TESTING: Next Monday, September 17th, we begin the IOWA Test of Basic Skills for students in 2nd grade and above. The amount of homework will be greatly reduced next week to facilitate testing. We ask that students arrive at school on time, well rested, and properly fed. All this will contribute to students’ well-above-average test scores. You’ll receive the results of these tests at the November parent conferences.

TUITION AND FEES: Families who elected to pay their tuition according to the quarterly schedule are reminded your next payment is due by September 15th. Also, if you have not yet paid your Cultural/Disaster fee ($75 per child), and/or Parents’ Club dues ($40 per family), please send them to the school office now.

CATALOG FUNDRAISER: How is the catalog fundraiser coming? Please remember that all families who did not buy out by the June deadline are required to sell a minimum of $100 worth of product per child enrolled in the school. The deadline for returning your orders is Wednesday, September 19th.

INTERNATIONAL FOOD FESTIVAL: St. Thomas More Church is holding it's 6th Annual International Food Festival on Saturday and Sunday, September 29th and 30th in the schoolyard. Your support of this even is very much appreciated. The variety of foods offered are always delicious. Please check out the enclosed flyer.

Finally, the SF juniors volleyball club have been regular renters of our gym over the past two years. We are very grateful for their $1000 donation to our sports program as well as their donation of volleyballs and a ball cart. They are also offering a free coaches' clinic for our school coaches.

Marie Fitzpatrick

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

STM Newsletter for September 5, 2012

Dear Parents:

Thank you to all who attended our back to school meeting. Congratulations to the Paraiso family in kindergarten who won the raffle for $500 towards their tuition. It pays to be on time! As we mentioned at the meeting, we are looking forward to completing our gym by building out the stage area. The initial budget for this project is set at $425,000, however, once we meet with stage lighting and sound suppliers, this number may change. We’ll keep you posted on any updates. In the meantime, please keep in mind our ‘Buy a Brick’ fundraiser. This is your chance to leave your mark on STM. We are hoping to raise at least $80,000 through this program. More information will be sent home soon.

We hope to see everyone this Sunday, September 9th, for one of the most important celebrations of the school year. Please join us for our Back-to-School Mass at 10:00. Come and share in the celebration as we begin a new year together at St. Thomas More School and Utopia Preschool. Sunday’s second collection will directly support the school. We are sending home offertory envelopes for you to use when the collection is taken up. The school receives the money contributed through these envelopes. We’ll have extra envelopes available at the Mass. Thank you in advance for your support.

Following the Back to School Mass, beginning at 11:30am, all STM families are invited to join together for a free Back to School Family Picnic at Buri Buri Park in South San Francisco. The 5th and 6th grade families are sponsoring this picnic and will serve burgers, hotdogs and salads. Donations of water, fruits and desserts are greatly appreciated. Please contact Mylee Bernardo at if you can help.

As we mentioned last week, our first service project of the year will be the collection of personal items/toiletries for our nation’s military personnel. From now through October 4th, we will be collecting the following travel size items: Powder - Gold Bond, foot and baby powder, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, Lip Balm/SPF, sunscreen, dental floss, toothbrushes, toothpaste, eye drops, shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, lotion, Q-tips, disposable razors, hand and foot warmers, and batteries (preferably AA). This is a great way to donate any unused travel size products you may have collected over the summer. Thank you to those who have already brought in donations; please keep them coming.

SANDWICHES-FOR-THE-NEEDY: Our first sandwiches-for-the-needy collection will be next Friday, September 14th with the first and eighth graders taking the lead. We encourage all of you to consider making an extra sandwich and/or lunch and sending it to the office on that day. Sandwiches will be delivered to the Martin de Porres House of Hospitality on Potrero Ave. Their mission is to serve in the spirit of compassion, understanding and love and they provide breakfast and lunch during the week and brunch on Sunday to those in need in the community. Please visit their website, for more information. Here are a few guidelines to help with the distribution of sandwiches - Please individually wrap the sandwiches (ziplock sandwich bags) and label what is included. This helps people with allergies and dietary restrictions. Are you available to deliver sandwiches to the Martin de Porres House of Hospitality? Sandwiches will be collected every second Friday and need to be delivered by 11am. Please contact the school office if you can help.

TUITION AND FEES: Families who elected to pay their tuition according to the quarterly schedule are reminded your next payment is due by September 15th. Also, if you have not yet paid your Cultural/Disaster fee ($75 per child), and/or Parents’ Club dues ($40 per family), please send them to the school office now.

SCRIP: As part of your financial obligations to STM, each family is required to meet the mandatory scrip requirement to generate a minimum profit of $100 by participating in the electronic scrip programs authorized by the school ( and/or If you are unsure how to sign up for these scrip programs, please stop by the office and Melody will be happy to help you get started.

PM EXTENDED CARE: In case you are wondering why you haven't received your invoice from Extended Care for August, please recall that Extended Care combines August-September into one bill that will arrive the first week of October.

CATALOG FUNDRAISER: How is the catalog fundraiser coming? The deadline for returning your orders is Wednesday, September 19th. Thank you to Christy Ramos (mom of Sean, 8th grade and Ethan, 5th grade), who has volunteered to help tabulate the orders this year.

PIZZA SALE: Today the students enjoyed the first Pizza Sale of the year. Thank you to Marivic Vila (mom of Ademir, 8th grade and Ricardo, 7th grade) who has volunteered to tally the orders once again this year. We are in need of parents to help distribute the pizza on sale days throughout the year. If you are available, please let the office know.

COOKIE SALE: The cookie sale scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, September 6th has been rescheduled to next Thursday, September 13th.

ALTAR SERVING: Students in grades 4-8 are invited to be Altar Servers for St. Thomas More Church. Please complete the flyer you are receiving today if you are interested.

ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL CHOIR: The Cathedral Choir of Boys and Girls is open to children in grades 3 through 8 by audition. This is a free program and prior experience is not necessary. Interested? Check out the flyer you are receiving in today’s envelope.

USF COUNSELING: As you know, again this year, we are working with the USF Center for Child and Family Development to offer a school-based Family Counseling Program. This service is designed to meet the counseling needs of individual students and families as well as the consultation needs of teachers and school staff. The goal of the program is to support our students’ social, emotional and academic needs and thereby afford them increased opportunity for success at school. This year we welcome Vanessa Gamache, the counselor assigned to our school. She will be on campus Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This is a free service. If you would like your child to visit with Vanessa, you may contact her directly at, or request it through your child’s teacher.

YARD POLICIES: We do need to remind you that when it comes to adults being present in the schoolyard after school, the directives from our insurance company are specific. In the afternoon, the schoolyard is reserved for students only. Parents waiting to pick up students from the later dismissal will need to wait outside the gate. Only parents picking up their kindergarteners or children from extended care may enter the schoolyard at dismissal. If your child takes after school classes such as piano, guitar or band, or they have sports practice, we ask that you remain outside the gate and wait for their activity to end.

Finally, our kindergarten teacher, Megan Kennedy, and her husband Tim welcomed their first child, Abigail Marie Kennedy, born on Saturday, September 1st. Congratulations to the proud parents!


Marie Fitzpatrick