Wednesday, September 26, 2018

STM Newsletter for September 26, 2018

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Dear Friends,

Next Wednesday is the Feast of St. Francis. Click here to learn more about the life of this well loved saint. Did you know that St. Francis designed the first Nativity set? In honor of his feast day and his love of animals we will have an opportunity to have our pets blessed. Please join us next Thursday, October 4th, directly after the 3:00pm dismissal in the school yard. You are welcome to bring your family pets, pictures of your pet, or anything else that represents your pet that you wish to have blessed. Sorry, we cannot accommodate your pets in the classroom during the day.
BINGO NITE was such a great success! Congratulations to Christine Jordan and Lally Tan for all the planning that went into making this event so much fun for the 120+ parents and children in attendance. A great evening was had by all.
WOW! What a fantastic effort for our third annual Fun Run! We are so close to achieving our goal of $65,000!! We are still waiting on some of the final monies to be collected. Please send those remaining amounts in by tomorrow. Congratulations to 1st grade twins, Eithne and Eoin Clancy, who collectively raised almost $3,000! Please know that of the total amount pledged, we have expenses that need to be paid; the cost of the employees from who visited with the classes over the past 2 weeks, the cost of the prizes and t-shirts and other general expenses on Fun Run day. We will report our total funds raised shortly. Families who chose not to participate or did not meet the $100 per child donation will be charged a buyout fee of $150 per child on Tuesday, October 16.
Students absent on the initial photo day will be photographed on Monday, October 1st free of charge. Parents unhappy with their child's photos can request a re-shoot online as long as it is 24 hrs before the re-shoot date (October 1st). There is a small fee associated with this convenience.
  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Prepay Icon
  3. Click on Reshoot requests
  4. Click on the name of the school
  5. Follow the prompts
Parent conferences are set for the week of October 29. In order to plan conferences at a convenient time for you, we are making both afternoon and evening appointments available. Please follow ALL of the listed directions on the conference request form you are receiving in your envelope today. If this form is not filled in as directed, it will be returned to you! Please remember that your accounts, both tuition and extended care, must be in good standing in order for you to receive a conference and your child's report card. Teachers are looking forward to sharing with you the many ways in which your child has grown.
Our K-8 Halloween parade, will begin at 11:00am in the schoolyard on Wednesday, October 31. All are welcome to attend! When purchasing costumes for wearing to school for the parade, please consider the following: 
  • Age appropriate
  • Bathroom accessible
  • Make up must be applied at home
  • Shoes must be comfortable for walking
  • No weapons of any kind
Also remember that Wednesday, October 31 is a minimum day with a 12:15/12:30pm dismissal.
We ask your help in encouraging prospective parents to consider St. Thomas More School for their child for the 2019-2020 school year. You, our current families, are our best advertising! Please invite friends and relatives interested in St. Thomas More School to come to one of our "Wednesday Walkthrough" school tours for prospective parents. Click HERE to reserve a place on one of the tours listed below:
  • October 3, 10, 17, 24      
  • November 7, 14
  • December 5, 12
New student application forms Kindergarten, Transitional Kindergarten and grades 1st-8th for the 2019-2020 school year will be available in the front office and for download online beginning on Monday, October 1, 2018. Students currently attending Utopia Preschool and/or with siblings currently attending St. Thomas More School will be given preference in the TK/Kindergarten class of 2019-2020 if the application is submitted in a timely manner.

Utopia, our preschool, has begun accepting applications for the 2019-2020 school year. Please note that preschool spots fill up very fast. If you have a child who is of preschool age (3 years old by September 1st) and you would like them to attend Utopia next Fall, please arrange a tour with Utopia's Director, Rachelle Frantz,
Does your child have an October birthday?
Please click HERE to schedule a birthday party for your child and complete a birthday book request.
We do need to remind you that when it comes to adults being present in the schoolyard after school, the directives from our insurance company are specific. In the afternoon, the schoolyard is reserved for students who have checked into extended care only. Parents waiting to pick up students from the later dismissal need to wait outside the gate. Only parents picking up their TK/K students or children from extended care may enter the schoolyard at dismissal. If your child takes after school classes such as guitar or band, or they have sports practice, we ask that you remain outside the gate and wait for their activity to end.

Students with practices later in the afternoon are required to either leave the campus at dismissal or check in to Extended Care. They may be checked out by either a parent or a coach (with written permission) when it is time to attend their scheduled practice.

And finally, we are happy to welcome Mrs. Miriam Shouldice to our team. Mrs. Shouldice will be assisting Mrs. Tyaglo in the kindergarten classroom.


Marie Fitzpatrick

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
-Winston Churchill
Copyright © 2018 St. Thomas More School, All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

STM Newsletter for September 19, 2018

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Dear Friends,

The SVdP Society is a network of charity in 142 countries. Today the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul helps the needy on a one-to-one basis working to break the cycles of homelessness, substance abuse and domestic violence. The SVdP Society of San Francisco now serves over 1,000 people in need every day. The volunteers and employees of SVdP are often called to "Be Courageous" on a daily basis, just as we teach our students to also do.

Next Thursday is the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul. Vincent de Paul (24 April 1581–27 September 1660). He was a priest of the Catholic Church who dedicated himself to serving the poor. He is a saint regarded in great respect. Vincent de Paul was canonized (officially declared a saint) in 1737. Please take a moment to read and reflect on the Prayer of Saint Vincent de Paul. Think about ways you can show a little kindness while making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. 
Dear Saint Vincent,
the mere mention of your name suggests a litany of your virtues: humility, zeal, mercy, self-sacrifice. It also recalls your many foundations: Works of Mercy, Congregations, Societies. And the Church gratefully remembers your promotion of the priesthood. Inspire all Charitable Workers, especially those who minister to the poor - both the spiritually and the materially poor.
Thank you to everyone who shopped at out first book fair for the school year. In total, we generated $4,349.64 in sales of which $1,118.96 goes directly back to the school for the purchase of new library books.

A BIG thank you to Maria Kagehiro, Rose Lee, Alma Samatra and their bookfair crew for all the enthusiasm and energy they put into this event. It's a win for the school, the library, the classrooms and most of all for the children who benefit from our ever growing supply of new books. Keep an eye out for our next book fair to be held during Catholic Schools Week (January 2019).
What a fantastic start to our Fun Run Fundraiser! With 3 days left, we almost have $45,000 pledged! Congratulations to 4th grader, Brian Tin, who is currently the top fundraiser with over $1,000! All pledge forms are due back to the classroom teachers by Monday, September 24. Pledges can also be made online! Funds raised will be used to purchase new laptops.
All students and staff should wear comfortable clothing and shoes. All students will be receiving a Fun Run T-shirt to wear during the event. Thank you to those who have offered to volunteer. We still need some additional help! If you are available from 8:30-12:30, please let the office know. As a reward for all the hard work the students have done to make this such a successful fundraiser, we will host a dance party Friday afternoon and students will receive some treats.
The Bridges Program (formally The Master's Program) under the direction of Mrs. Kapovich, began this week and is serving students in 1st through 5th grades this year. Based on feedback from teachers, students and parents we have made some modifications in how the program operates in an effort to meet the needs of all learners. Some students will work 3 days a week on a pull-out basis. On the other two days, Mrs. Kapovich will work with specific groups of students in the classrooms. These groupings are fluid and are subject to change as the year progresses.
Shop at and Amazon will donate a percentage back to St. Thomas More School. To register, visit, log in with your regular Amazon user and password, and select "St. Thomas More School" as the organization you'd like to support. Remember that purchases must originate from to be counted.
We ask your help in encouraging prospective parents to consider St. Thomas More School for their child for the 2019-2020 school year. You, our current families, are our best advertising! Please invite friends and relatives interested in St. Thomas More School to come to one of our "Wednesday Walkthrough" school tours for prospective parents. Click HERE to reserve a place on one of the tours listed below:
  • October 3, 10, 17, 24      
  • November 7, 14
  • December 5, 12
TK-8 new student application forms for the 2019-2020 school year will be available in the front office and for download online beginning on Monday, October 1, 2018. Students currently attending Utopia Preschool and/or with siblings currently attending St. Thomas More School will be given preference in the TK/Kindergarten class of 2019-2020 if the application is submitted in a timely manner.

Utopia, our preschool, has begun accepting applications for the 2019-2020 school year. Please note that preschool spots fill up very fast. If you have a child who is of preschool age (3 years old by September 1st) and you would like them to attend Utopia next Fall, please arrange a tour with Utopia's Director, Rachelle Frantz,

Marie Fitzpatrick

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." 
- Nelson Mandela
Copyright © 2018 St. Thomas More School, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
50 Thomas More Way
San Francisco, CA 94132

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