Wednesday, October 31, 2012

STM Newsletter for October 31, 2012

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all who joined us for our annual Halloween costume parade today. When you think of Halloween, what comes to mind? For a lot of people, Halloween has become synonymous with candy, costumes, scary stuff, and pumpkins. But do you know the religious connection to the holiday? The word Halloween itself is a contraction of "Hallowed evening". Hallowed is an old English word for "holy" — as in "Hallowed be Thy Name", in the Lord's Prayer. All Saints Day, celebrated on November 1st, is the day on which Catholics celebrate all the saints, known and unknown. The vigil or eve of this feast, October 31, is Halloween. The purpose of Halloween is to prepare us for All Saints Day by remembering and celebrating those saints. A reminder that tomorrow, All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation. Celebrating this special feast day by attending Mass is a wonderful way to honor the saints. Please consider joining us at 8:30am tomorrow, November 1st for our student body mass honoring all saints.

Congratulations to all who helped with or worked on last weekend’s Halloween Carnival! What a great effort and great success. A special thank you to the 2012 carnival co-chairs: John Ali, Ivon Van Mechelen, Michaela Munda, Roxy Corrales-Olivier, Gladys Duarte and Anarose Schelstrate. More information will come from the Parents’ Club, but a big thank you to all for a job well done! Check out your envelope today

Tomorrow we begin our annual collection of canned goods and other non-perishable items for the SF Food Bank to provide Thanksgiving meals for those in need. In addition to the Food Bank, this year we are also collecting peanut butter and jelly jars for St. Francis Living Room, an organization that helps to feed seniors in San Francisco. We have barrels and boxes here at school for your donations. We will continue the collections through Friday, November 19th. Let us continue to ‘THINK like Jesus’ and help to feed the hungry in our community this holiday season.

Tomorrow evening, in Carroll Hall at 7:00pm, the Parents’ Club will have their first-Thursday-of-the-month meeting. Come with your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. See you there!

PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES/REPORT CARDS: Just a reminder that Monday through Friday next week are all minimum days with 12:15/12:30 dismissal. We will have parent-teacher conferences during that time. Yes, there is extended care each of those days. Students not signed in to extended care will not be allowed to remain in the yard during your conference.

2013-2014 APPLICATION FORMS: Those who requested an application form for the next school year are receiving those in their envelopes today. Application forms for the 2013-2014 Kindergarten class will be available in the office and online tomorrow, November 1st.

UPCOMING FIELD TRIPS: Permission slips for the below mentioned field trip are in your envelopes today. Please pay attention to the due date to return the form and payment.
·       The Kindergarten Students will enjoy a presentation of Rapunzel at Fort Mason on Wednesday, November 7th.
·       Students from 6th and 8th grades will attend Archbishop Riordan’s
production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Tuesday, November 13th.
·       Also on November 13th, the 7th graders will enjoy various exhibits at the San Jose Tech Museum.
·       On Monday, December 3rd, the 2nd and 5th graders will visit the Palace of Fine Arts for a production of The Nutcracker.
·       All 3rd through 8th grade students are receiving a permission slip for the November 29th performance of A Christmas Carol. This is an optional field trip. Please see the permission slip for more details.

NOVEMBER CALENDAR: In your Envelope today you are receiving the Hot Lunch Menu and Calendar of Events for the month of November. With all the minimum days for conferences, etc., it will be a helpful reminder throughout the month. Please take note that Tuesday November 20th will be a minimum day and yes, extended care will be available that evening until 6pm.

FROM THE ADVISORY BOARD: Thank you to those who have already submitted a new logo for STM. The deadline for submitting your design is Friday, November 16th. Please keep in mind that the new logo/crest, which will be featured on our letterheads, envelopes, business cards and promotional materials should reflect that we are a Catholic school. The ideal logo/crest size could be circular or crest shaped and include the school colors, royal blue and white.

2012 PRESIDENTAL ELECTION SPECIAL: As part of a social studies project designed by Mrs. Spiegel and Mr. Kavanagh, the 8th Grade students studied the Electoral College in order to make a prediction on next Tuesday's election. Each student reported on the political history and current polling data in their two assigned states (and Washington D.C.). The predictions are all in and the 8th Grade predicts that President Obama will win reelection by a count of 305-233 in the Electoral College. Congrats to our 8th Graders for their hard work! 

FROM JOHN KAVANAGH, PM EXTENDED CARE DIRECTOR: The first payment due date has passed and there were some irregularities I would like to address in the hopes of avoiding them in the future. In particular, please wait until you receive a bill before you make a payment and please pay the amount due.  Although I appreciate the zealousness to meet one's financial obligations, there is no need for payments before you receive a bill. The bills always will be sent home in the first or second Wednesday envelope of each month. Early payments make it more likely for bookkeeping errors to occur. In addition, we received a dozen or so payments that did not match the amounts due and this also causes bookkeeping headaches. If you are ever not sure of the exact amount owed because you cannot locate the invoice, then please feel free to e-mail me at Lastly, please be aware that full payment must be made by the due date each month to avoid a $25 late charge. Thanks for your cooperation!

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARDS: We would like to invite everyone to join us at the awards ceremony, next Friday, November 9th immediately following the 8:30am Mass. Academic awards will be presented to students in grades 3 through 8 if he/she maintains outstanding grades in the following subjects: Religion, Mathematics, Reading/Literature, English, Science/Health, and History/Social Studies. The following criteria will be used to determine eligibility.
First Honors
1. Students must earn a 3.75 GPA or above
2. Behavioral Expectation and Learning Skills of 2 or above

Second Honors
1. Students must earn a 3.50 GPA or above
2. Behavioral Expectation and Learning Skills of 2 or above

In addition to the awards for academic excellence, one student per grade, 3 through 8, will be chosen for a citizenship award. In grades K-2, two students per grade will receive this award. Below are the criteria on which this award will be based.
1. Exemplify exceptional Catholic values
2. Demonstrates overall good citizenship
3. Behavioral Expectation and Learning Skills of 2 or above

YARD DUTY: Thank you to the many who have already volunteer for yard duty this year. The teachers definitely appreciate your help. Just a couple of reminders – please arrive on time when volunteering for yard duty, we do not allow food or beverages in the school yard during yard duty (this includes coffee/tea drinks), and please refrain from using your cell phone while on duty.

Happy Halloween! Happy All Saints Day!

Marie Fitzpatrick

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

STM Newsletter for October 24, 2012

Dear Parents,

Giving is an important lesson for people of all ages. Some of you may know the story of the boy with the loaves of bread and fishes. A large crowd has gathered. They are hungry. They need to be fed. The leader tells his men to find some food for this mob of hungry people. One man comes back to report, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish” (John 6:9). This is the situation on the banks of the Sea of Galilee nearly 2,000 years ago. What did Jesus do? Did he say the boy was too young to give? No! “Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks and distributed them” (John 6:11). With the contribution from one young boy, Jesus was able to feed more than five thousand people! How proud that boy must have felt! Today some people may think children do not need to learn stewardship. Jesus clearly proved he can make miracles happen even with a small contribution from a young child. Stewardship could be the greatest lesson we teach to our young people. Below are some reasons from Today’s Catholic Teacher on why Stewardship is so important.

• Stewardship helps build self-esteem. Today children are exposed to constant advertising telling them they are not good enough unless they wear the right clothes and carry the latest accessories. Since there will always be something newer and more tempting for us to want, these messages can lead to a lifetime of poor self-image and lasting discontent. In the Catholic classroom, children hear a different message. They learn that God has already blessed them with all the wonderful and unique gifts they will need to do the special work God has put them on Earth to do. They do not need what the world is selling.

• Stewardship brings joy and contentment. A life of giving is a rewarding life. When children learn to share the gifts God has entrusted to them, they will naturally find joy, fulfillment, and contentment.

• Stewardship connects children more deeply with God. An important part of good stewardship is turning to God for guidance in using and sharing our gifts. Children learn to place their trust in God when they are taught to ask God what he wants them to do, instead of them always telling God what they want.

• Children have the ability and the natural longing to give. Due to allowances and gifts, most children in our society today have quite a bit of disposable income. Even children without financial resources have the ability to share their talents or give the gift of prayer. Children feel grown-up, important, and needed when they give. Social scientists believe most children learn their attitudes about giving between the ages of 6 and 10. If young children learn to find joy in giving, they will become lifelong givers.

Beginning Thursday, November 1st, we will conduct our annual collection of canned goods and other non-perishable items for the San Francisco Food Bank. Your donations will be used to provide Thanksgiving meals for those in need. We will have barrels here at school for your donations and will continue the collection through November 16th. This is another great way for all or us to show great stewardship.

LET'S GO GIANTS...LET'S GO! Last Thursday we raised $147 for the "Say Hey for the Kids" Willie Mays Boys & Girls Club at Hunters Point from our Giants free dress. Today, the Student Council held a bake sale that raised an additional $419 for this great cause. Thank you to all who participated. Let's go Giants! Let's go...and win the World Series!!!

HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL: It’s almost here…the Halloween Carnival! Are you ready for a Saturday filled with fun?  This Saturday is our Parents' Club sponsored Halloween Carnival from 10:00am to 8:00pm. The Haunted House will be sure to scare and delight those daring enough to go in; all the games will be challenging - have you ever won at the Ring Toss or Backwards Basketball; win a cake or a plateful of cupcakes from the Cake Walk; Minute to Win It - need we say more; the little ones will enjoy the Kids' Korner made especially for them; and there will be plenty of food and drinks for everyone!  AND in honor of our SF GIANTS, Carroll Hall will become a GIANTS ORANGE AND BLACK ZONE starting at 4:00pm. Come and join us cheer our favorite team! Check out the raffle flyer in your envelope today for your chance to win an iPad.

HALLOWEEN PARADE: We will celebrate Halloween next Wednesday, October 31st. Just a reminder that when purchasing costumes for wearing to school on Halloween, please consider the following: age appropriate, bathroom accessible, make up must be applied at home, shoes must be comfortable for walking, and no weapons of any kind. The Halloween costume parade will be after lunch recess, about 1:15. The students will parade around the homestead for thirty to forty-five minutes. You should have plenty of time to capture your child’s Kodak moment. After the parade, students will return to class to party until they drop. Parents are not permitted in classrooms unless specifically arranged in advance with the classroom teacher. At dismissal we will be thrilled to return your child to you complete with a sugar high!

PARENT CONFERENCES: This Friday, October 26th marks the end of the first quarter of the school year. Report cards will be sent home next Friday, November 2nd. Academic test scores (second through eighth graders) will all be available to you at your parent-teacher conference. We are sending home scheduled appointments today. If you do not receive an appointment, please check with the office to ensure your accounts are up to date.

2013-2014 APPLICATION FORMS FOR NEW STUDENTS: K-8 application forms for the 2013-2014 school year will be available in the front office and online beginning November 1st, 2012. Siblings of current students as well as Utopia preschool students can use the flyer in today’s envelope to request an application. Students currently attending Utopia Preschool and/or with siblings currently attending St. Thomas More School will be given preference.

PIZZA AND HOT DOG SALES: Order forms are being sent home today for November, December and January sales. This is your ONLY opportunity to order. You must order for all sales if you wish to participate in these special lunches. Pay attention to the due date, Friday, November 2nd, and return the form and payment in a sealed envelope.

FUNDRAISING CATALOG: Families who did not pick up catalog items yesterday are receiving them today. Please check your order thoroughly and notify us immediately if you are missing anything. Call the office and check with Melody if you have questions. She has a complete list of those items. Congratulations to STM’s top fundraiser, the Beasley-Bell Family (Marquez, Kindergarten) who raised over $1100. Marquez will be receiving a special gift in his envelope today.

OFF TO THE RACES: Off to the Races is coming to STM on Saturday, November 17th! Reservation flyers, Ad space, and Name a Horse/Jockey/Owner are in today’s envelope. This has always been an exciting evening with lots of fun activities, “adult” refreshments and lively entertainment. All this for only $15! Don’t forget that childcare is also available. Send in your reservations now!

SCHOOL PHOTOS: As you know, we were not happy with the quality of the school photos that were taken in September of this year and have decided to do an entire student retake on Friday, October 26th. All students in Preschool through eighth grade will be photographed that day. All families will have the opportunity to purchase their child’s photo using the flyer you are receiving today. Families who purchased photos in September are receiving a check refund from the company in today’s envelope.


Marie Fitzpatrick

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

STM Newsletter for October 17, 2012

Dear Parents,

A BIG thank you to the sixth grade students, their families and their teacher, Julianne Beach for preparing and participating in the Family Mass last Sunday. It was wonderful to see so many children be installed as altar servers. Thank you to the following students who have decided to take on this special role in the church. From fourth grade: Jackie Schneider, Clark Kelly, Lorenzo Mutuc, Zach White, Francise Panlaqui, Kevin Caranceja, Anthony Sheridan, Micah Gastrock, Aysaiah Radoc-Manrique and Matthew Candler. Fifth grade altar servers are: Brian Qare, Christopher Law, Rainer Dela Cruz, Arabella Sunga. Serving from sixth grade: Skyler Dela Cruz, Reuben Sablad, Kenny Jung and Jesse Manalo. From seventh grade: Carlos Colom, Natasha Alvarado, Melina Diaz, Nathan Candler and Krystelle Chloe Sunga, and our eighth grade servers are: Julietta Lehmann and Julius Aguinaldo. Thank you also to Monsignor Labib and St. Thomas More Church for having a second collection in support of the school. Thanks for your donations which raised over $300.

STUDENT HOLIDAY: This Friday, October 19th, is a holiday for all students, Preschool through 8th grade. The faculty will engage in an all day in-service on that day to continue WASC accreditation preparation.

MINIMUM DAY: Next Monday, October 22nd is the fourth-Monday-of-the-month minimum day dismissal. Don’t forget we dismiss at 12:15 (K-3) and 12:30 (4-8) that day. Yes, we will have extended care beginning immediately at the end of the shortened school day. Extended Care will offer a hot dog lunch for those staying for $3.00.

FIELD TRIPS: Yesterday, our fourth graders visited the San Mateo County Museum and were introduced to the art of shell jewelry making. The first and eighth grade students enjoyed their trip to the Pumpkin Patch, also yesterday. We’re sure the kindergarten students will also come home with smiling faces and big orange pumpkins after their upcoming trip, tomorrow! The seventh grade students are also going on a field trip tomorrow to the SF Food Bank. Second graders are receiving a permission slip today for their upcoming trip to Elkus Ranch on November 2nd. Pay close attention to the due date to return that form and payment!

OFF TO THE RACES: Off to the Races is coming to STM on Saturday, November 17th! Save the Date flyers are in your envelopes today. Look for Reservation flyers, Ad space, and Name a Horse/Jockey/Owner in next week’s envelope. This has always been an exciting evening with lots of fun activities, “adult” refreshments and lively entertainment. All this for only $15! Don’t forget that childcare is also available. Save the date!

HALLOWEEN: Today, students are receiving information from their teacher about next week's Halloween celebration. Please read the information provided carefully and pay attention to the specific information regarding costumes and make-up. When purchasing costumes for wearing to school on Wednesday, October 31st, please consider the following:

  • Age appropriate
  • Bathroom accessible
  • Make up must be applied at home
  • Shoes must be comfortable for walking
  • No weapons of any kind
Please consider joining us for our annual Halloween parade, which begins at 1:15 in the schoolyard on Wednesday, October 31st.

SCHOOL PHOTOS: Unfortunately, we were not happy with the quality of the school photos that were taken in September of this year. We have been working with Lifetouch who produces the photos and have decided to do an entire student body photo retake using an enhanced program called ‘Expressions First’ which the company believes will offer more consistent lighting and background. This retake day will be on Friday, October 26thAll students in Preschool through eighth grade will be photographed that day. Families who purchased photos in September will be receiving a check refund from the company. This will be in your Wednesday Envelope next week. All families will have the opportunity to re-purchase their child’s photo using the flyer in next week’s envelope.

SHOPAROO: How are you doing?! We have almost $180 in our school account thanks to those who simply signed up for Shoparoo and snap their receipts. There is no limit to how much money we can raise with Shoparoo, so be sure to invite your friends and neighbors to join in – every receipt counts!

SCHOOL TOURS/APPLICATION FORMS: We ask your help in encouraging prospective parents to consider St. Thomas More School for their child for the 2012-2013 school year. You, our current families, are our best advertising! Please invite friends and relatives interested in St. Thomas More School to come to one of our school tours for prospective parents. Please call the school office at (415) 337-0100 to reserve a place on one of the tours listed below:

9:00-10:15am Tuesday, November 6
9:00-10:15am Wednesday, November 14
9:00-10:15am Thursday, November 29
Wednesday, December 5

K-8 application forms for the 2013-2014 school year will be available in the front office and online beginning November 1st, 2012. Siblings of current students as well as preschool students can use the flyer in next week’s envelope to request an application. Students currently attending Utopia Preschool and/or with siblings currently attending St. Thomas More School will be given preference in the kindergarten class of 2013-2014.

LET'S GO GIANTS...LET'S GO! Tomorrow, Thursday, October 18th, students will have the opportunity to wear free 'orange and black' dress in honor of the SF Giants. As we continue to 'THINK like Jesus’, on this special free dress day, we ask that each student considers donating $1 (or more) which will be donated to the "Say Hey for the Kids" Willie Mays Boys & Girls Club at Hunters Point. Let's go Giants! Let's go...into the World Series!!!

Don't forget - The Parent-Teacher Conference forms are due back by tomorrow!!


Marie Fitzpatrick

Friday, October 12, 2012

STM Newsletter for October 10, 2012

Dear Parents:

Pope Benedict has declared this year be the “Year of Faith” beginning tomorrow, October 11th. The Year of Faith is going to help us get back in touch with the basics of our Catholic identity and the devotions, the community celebrations, the shared love of the Eucharist that is at the core of our beings. The Year of Faith begins on the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. The true task of the Year of Faith is so simple we might miss it: it is a call to be in a relationship with Jesus—not to just know of him, but to know him. In honor of this year of Faith, the school has purchased a subscription to ‘Partners in Faith’. We will send these informational flyers home several times each month. The mission of Partners in Faith is to help parents raise faithful, Catholic children. We hope that this information will help you as you work to raise your children in the Catholic faith.

Please join us for a special Altar Server installation Mass this Sunday, October 14th, at 10:00am. We will celebrate our Altar Servers who have attended training sessions in recent weeks and are now ready to be officially installed. Being an Altar Server is a very special way for a child to be of service to the church. Altar servers serve not only the priest, but also their family and the whole Church community. This is a wonderful occasion for our community to offer their prayers in thanksgiving and appreciation for the dedicated and faithful service our children provide. Please use the blue envelope you are receiving today for the second collection that will be in aid of the school.

This Friday, October 12th, is our next collection of sandwiches-for-the-needy. All are encouraged to participate and the sixth and third graders are charged with taking the lead that day. Some of our upper grade students will work with Alma Via residents this week to make sandwiches. Don’t have time to make a sandwich for our collection…we are accepting donations to help Martin de Porres House of Hospitality defray expenses for sandwiches they make on other days. We thank you in advance for what we hope will be another huge collection for those in need.

Next Monday, October 15th, Olive the Storyteller, will be here to tell tales to the kindergarten through third grades. Come and enjoy them, too, at 8:30 and 9:40. Also on Monday, the seventh and eighth graders will be visited from representatives from Mercy High School, San Francisco and Archbishop Riordan High School.

Last week we rolled out our ‘Buy a Brick’ fundraiser. We are hoping to raise at least $80,000 through this program. An order form for the first 100 bricks available for sale is enclosed in your envelope today. Get your order in early - this is your chance to leave a lasting remembrance of your family’s time at STM. Two of the $1,000 fountain plaques have already been purchased….only six left!!!

Parent conferences are set for the week of November 5th-9th. In order to plan conferences at a convenient time for you, we are making both afternoon and evening appointments available. Please follow ALL of the listed directions on the conference request form you are receiving in your envelope today. If this form is not filled in as directed, it will be returned to you! Please remember that your accounts, both tuition and extended care, must be in good standing in order for you to receive a conference and your child’s report card.

  Just a reminder that if you wish to provide class refreshments on the occasion of your child’s birthday, you must contact the classroom teacher at least a week in advance to make a mutually convenient plan. Refreshments must be limited to: an individual serving of prepared treats (such as a muffin, a bagel or a piece of fruit) and a self-serve beverage (milk or juice). Please avoid snacks high in sugar and fats. Need suggestions? Ask your child’s teacher. No goody bags or other treats are allowed. Refreshments should be dropped off to the office before school or at the time specified by the teacher.

We are looking for talented members of our school community to design a new logo/crest for STM. The bronco logo, as seen on sweatshirts and on our gym floor is used mainly for the athletic program. The new logo, which will be featured on our letterheads, envelopes, business cards and promotional materials should reflect that we are a Catholic school and will portray our Catholic Identity into the future. Please contact Melody for further guidelines and information. Hopefully we will have many great designs from which to choose.

Thank you for all you to do for us!


Marie Fitzpatrick


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

STM Newsletter for October 3, 2012

Dear Parents,
The month of October each year is dedicated to the Holy Rosary because the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October the 7th. Praying the rosary is a way to help us get in touch with God and to develop a relationship with him. In prayer we not only talk with God, but God communicates with us. As we continue to pray, our relationship with God grows, and we are transformed more into the people we are meant to be.
As we enter into the Year of Faith, we invite you all to join together for a Rosary Rally on Saturday, October 13th at the U.N. Plaza in San Francisco. Please check out the flyer you are receiving in today’s envelope.
Each Wednesday throughout the month of October at morning assembly, the student body will say a decade of the rosary. Please join us on Wednesday mornings as we announce the Mystery and say an Our Father followed by ten Hail Mary’s. We will end the decade by saying the Glory Be to the Father. Consider saying a decade of the Rosary as a family during this month as a sign of dedication to Mary our Mother.
A very important occasion in for all of us in the San Francisco Archdiocese will take place tomorrow, Thursday, October 4th. Archbishop elect Salvatore J. Cordileone will be installed as the ninth Archbishop of the Archdiocese of San Francisco at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption. We extend our congratulations, and prayerful best wishes to him. This event will be streamed LIVE at 2 pm on
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS: Tomorrow is also the Feast of St. Francis. In honor of his feast day and his love of animals we will have the annual blessing of the animals. Please join us tomorrow in the schoolyard at 3:05pm. You are welcome to bring your pets, pictures of your pet, or anything else that represents your pet that you wish to have blessed.
Tomorrow evening, the Archbishop Riordan community is inviting all parents, teachers, administrators, coaches, friends, and families to a "Community Night," with guest speaker, Mr. Calvin Terrell. Mr. Terrell will be addressing a number of issues that affect school-aged students throughout the nation, such as bullying, race, violence, and how to overcome obstacles. The evening will begin at 6:00 pm and is tentatively scheduled to end at 7:30.
BUILDING INTO THE FUTURE ONE BRICK AT A TIME: At Back-to-School night, we were excited to share with you our plans for the completion of the Creative Arts Center in the gym. To kick off raising funds for this project, we are rolling out our ‘Buy a Brick’ fundraiser. We are hoping to raise at least $80,000 through this program. An order form for the first 100 bricks available for sale is enclosed in your envelope today. Get your order in early - this is your chance to leave a lasting remembrance of your family’s time at STM.
PARENTS’ CLUB: A HUGE thank you to Josie Jung (3rd and 6th grade parent); Jazmine Jung-3rd grader; Doba Villatore (kindergarten parent); Natasha Alvarado-7th grader; Gina Liston-Forrester (kindergarten parent); Shelley White (4th grade parent and teacher); Anarose Schelstrate (7th grade parent), for their help this past weekend at the STM Church Food Festival.  Our ring-toss booth did well; we should have the exact amount this Thursday. Thank you also to Linda Shah (alumni) for working with the Church to have our school present at this event.  
FALL FESTIVAL/HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL: The next big event is the Fall Festival/Halloween Carnival. That fun and popular event is set for Saturday, October 27th. Everyone will be there! The Parents’ Club will continue to keep you up-to-date with preparations. Keep those donations coming in. To sign up to volunteer for the festival, please click on the link on the STM homepage. If you have any questions, please contact the Parents’ Club at
Tomorrow evening, in Carroll Hall, the Parents’ Club will have their first-Thursday-of-the-month meeting at 7pm. This meeting is open to all parents to come and share thoughts, ideas and suggestions. See you there!
HIGH SCHOOL VISITS: It’s that time of year again when the seventh and eighth graders will be visited from representatives from several of the local Catholic high schools. Last Monday, St. Ignatius met with the students. Sacred Heart Preparatory, Mercy San Francisco and Archbishop Riordan will also make presentations later this month.
FIELD TRIPS: In today’s Envelope, the kindergarten students are receiving permission slips for their upcoming field trip to the Lemos Farm Pumpkin Patch. Please return the permission slip along with the fee by the due date. The First and Eighth graders are also receiving a permission slip for their upcoming visit to Pastorino Farms Pumpkin Patch on October 16th. Fourth graders have a field trip scheduled on October 16th to the San Mateo County History Museum and our seventh graders begin their Confirmation service hours by helping at the San Francisco Food Bank – look for those permission slip also.
FUNDRAISING: Christy Ramos, mother of Sean (8th grade) and Ethan (5th grade), has been busy tallying all the fundraising orders. We presume all orders have been turned in. She will be submitting the order shortly and we’ll let you know when to expect delivery of the items you ordered.
TUITION and EXTENDED CARE BILLING: Families who pay tuition on a monthly basis are reminded that the October payment is due to the school office now. Thank you to those who have already made a payment. The first bill of the school year for Afternoon Extended Care, which covers August and September, is going home today. If your child has attended Afternoon Extended Care this year and you do not receive a bill, please contact John Kavanagh at Payments are due upon receipt of the monthly invoices and a late charge of $25 will be assessed if not paid by the date indicated. Payment should be directed to the office and not to Extended Care personnel. The fee is $4 per hour or any portion thereof for each child. If you have a question about your bill, please contact Mr. Kavanagh at the e-mail listed above. A copy of the monthly time summary can be provided upon request and the daily time sheets can be made available for your review.
$10,000 GRANT: Each of the last two years we have been the recipients of a $5,000 grant from the Outrageous Foundation. This week we were delighted to receive a $10,000 grant from this foundation. These funds will be put aside for tuition assistance. We are very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Bob McGrath for their continuing support of St. Thomas More School!
DONATIONS: Thank you to Freddie Limjoco (dad of Ethan, 5th and Dylan, 4th) for donating two brand new HP LaserJet printers (a $2000 value). They will replace our hallway printers, which we have had for almost 10 years.  Thank you to Rob Maldonado who donated 10 light bulbs (a $700 value) for the outside of the gym, just in time for the Food Festival. We would also like to thank those of you who continue to bring in paper, envelopes and other goodies. We appreciate all that you do for us.
Don’t forget that this coming Monday, October 8th is the school’s observation of Columbus Day. It is a school holiday. Enjoy the three-day weekend!
Marie Fitzpatrick