Wednesday, April 30, 2014

STM Newsletter for April 30, 2014

Dear Parents:

The three sacraments of initiation in the Catholic Church are Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. Each sacrament is an outward sign of an inward grace. When we receive them, each provides us with graces to help us live a life closer to God and one another.

The sacrament of Baptism, the first of the sacraments of initiation, welcomes us into the Catholic Church. This sacrament is usually given to infants. The sacramental grace of Baptism helps us to live as children of God and makes it easier for us to believe in God and act accordingly. Baptism takes away original sin and prepares us to participate fully in the life of the church.

First Holy Communion, the second sacrament of initiation, is usually received at about age seven or eight, about the time when the children are in second grade. Because receiving the Eucharist for the first time is such a special sacrament, assisting your child in preparing to receive First Holy Communion, both by instruction and example, is important. By attending Mass frequently, participating in reconciliation on a regular basis and abiding by Catholic values, we can show children how their relationship with God can become stronger. Eucharist is a celebration of what Jesus did at the Last Supper. The word Eucharist means “to give thanks”. When we celebrate this sacrament, we thank God for His many gifts and blessings. Our second graders will receive their First Holy Communion this Saturday, May 3rd at 2:00pm in the church. All are welcome to join us. Please keep the second graders in your prayers as they prepare for this special day.

When children receive confirmation, the third sacrament of initiation, they are showing that they are responsible, prepared individuals who are ready to become full-fledged members of the Catholic faith. They renew the vows their sponsors made for them when they were baptized. The bishop anoints the confirmandi with chrism accompanied by the words "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit". This reaffirms the graces of the Holy Spirit conferred on the child at baptism. We offer our congratulations to all the candidates who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this Friday, May 2nd, at 5:00pm.

The Parents’ Club meet at 7:00 in Carroll Hall tomorrow, Thursday, May 1st. If you have not yet attended a meeting this year, now is a great time to participate and become involved in YOUR parents’ club. The current Parents’ Club is seeking interested parents to take a leadership position as part of the 2014-2015 Parents’ Club.  While we understand that these positions may require additional support during the school year, the benefits to our children and our community are invaluable.  We hope you will consider yourself an interested candidate and complete the form in today’s envelope.

Sandwiches-for-the-needy: Thank you in advance to the 6th and 7th grade students who will take the lead in providing sandwiches for the needy this Friday, May 2nd. We ask students in all grades to consider making at least one sandwich. Please remember that in order to facilitate the distribution of sandwiches, we have been asked to provide just one type of sandwich: turkey on sliced white or brown bread.

Parent Agreement and Participation Requirements: Please remember that in order for your enrollment to be complete for the 2014-2015 school year, you must return the Parent Agreement-Parent Participation forms. If you have not already done so, please return these forms no later than Friday, May 16th.

FACTS: Thank you to all who completed their enrollment in FACTS by the deadline. Please note that your child’s seat will not be held until you have completed this final part of re-registration. If you have any questions, please contact Melody in the office.

Scrip Requirement: We are grateful to all of the families who have completed this requirement for the 2013-2014 school year. As of May 1st, any scrip purchases will be credited to the next school year, 2014-2015. All families will be notified shortly as to whether or not they have fulfilled this requirement. Families that have not fulfilled this requirement will be notified of the amount of their balance, which will need to be paid by May 30th, 2014.

Calendars: We are heading for the home stretch! We have included the 2014-2015 school calendar in your envelope today. You are also receiving the May/June calendar of events and the hot lunch menu for May. Keep them handy for reminders of all the activities as we draw closer to the end of the school year.

Uniform Regulations/Supply Lists: The teachers have been working on refining and updating the uniform regulations, summer reading lists and supply lists. They are all being changed slightly for the coming year.Today you are receiving a list of school supplies for the coming school year as well as the summer reading lists. Check out the uniform information included as well as the price lists from Simply Uniforms and Dennis Uniforms. Remember, scrip can be purchased for your uniform needs. This year we are excited to announce that Simply Uniform will be coming on campus for a special uniform sale on Saturday, August 16th, 2014. At that time, you will be able to purchase all new uniform items. We will have Simply Uniform scrip on hand so that you can start earning scrip credit for the 2014-2015 school year. The Parents’ Club will also have a used uniform sale on this day.

2013-14 Yearbook: This year’s Yearbook is almost here! All students PK-8th grade are included in this wonderful keepsake book produced under the direction of our Tech Coordinator, Becky Wong. As always we expect a sellout again this year. The order form for the book is in your Envelope today.

Dance Festival: Save the date! This year, our Dance Festival will be held on Thursday night, May 22nd. This is the most popular event of the year and is always very well attended. All students, preschool through 8thgrade, will have a part in this performance.

PM Extended Care: Please note that beginning Monday, May 19th, parents who use the after school Extended Care program will need to either pre-pay or pay-by-the-day. Prepayments may be made when you pick up your child from extended care, not through the school office. The cost is $4.00 per hour or fraction-thereof. Any unused balance from a pre-payment will be applied to next years’ billing.

Congratulations 4th graders!: We are pleased to announce two of our students submitted winning poster contest entries in the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s (SFPUC) 2014 “Using Water Wisely” Illustration Contest.  Congratulations to the 4th grade winner Tyler Reyes and the overall contest winner Maverick Malabey. As the classroom with the overall winning entry, our 4th grade students will receive stainless steel reusable canteens AND a field trip to the Garden for the Environment. Congratulations again to Tyler and Maverick! Thank you for sharing your artistic talents and reminding us all that we need to "Use Water Wisely" especially during our current drought situation.

Again, we remind you to be considerate when parking your car for school or church events. Last year, during First Communion Mass two cars were towed. One was blocking the entrance to the golf club and another blocked the entrance/exit to the freeway. The situation could prove to be very serious if emergency vehicles can’t get through. With this Friday night being Confirmation, and Saturday being First Communion we anticipate that parking will be limited. The schoolyard will be available for parking. Please follow the directions of those helping with the parking process. We appreciate your cooperation as we consider the safety of all.

Enjoy the lovely weather while it lasts!

Marie Fitzpatrick                                 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

STM Newsletter for April 16, 2014

Dear Parents,

Last Sunday, which was Palm Sunday, marked the beginning of Holy Week. Our remembrance of the events surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus makes Holy Week the most sacred time of the year for Catholics. Remember to balance the sacred part of Holy Week with all the other Easter preparations you may be making. Over the next few days, as we draw closer to Easter Sunday, let us remember the days leading up to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Today, also known as Spy Wednesday, recalls the decision of Judas Iscariot who betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
  • Holy Thursday is the day when we remember Jesus and his disciples gathering together for the Last Supper. During this meal, Jesus instituted the very first Eucharist. The Mass of the Last Supper, celebrated tomorrow, reminds us of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples to impress upon them the call to serve others.
  • Good Friday services commemorate the crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus. This is the one day of the year Mass is not celebrated. Instead, Good Friday services are held from noon until 3:00pm. This is also a day of fasting and abstinence to commemorate the pain and suffering of Jesus.
  • Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday) Liturgy consists of several parts, including the lighting of the Paschal candle, the Liturgy of the Word, and the Sacraments of Initiation for those electing to become members of the Catholic Church.
  • Easter Sunday is a joyful celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. He also joined his disciples for a meal and told them to carry on his works.

Please check out your church’s schedule for Easter Week activities.

Extended Care: Please remember that tomorrow, Thursday April 17th, is the beginning of Easter break and a minimum day. Dismissal for Preschool is at noon, grades K-3 at 12:15 and 4-8 at 12:30. Afternoon Extended Care is available tomorrow until 6:00pm but will NOT be providing a hot dog lunch.  Please plan ahead and provide your child with a lunch tomorrowDon't forget that theMonday we return from Easter break, April 28th, is also a minimum day with a 12:15 dismissal for K-3 and a 12:30 dismissal for 4-8.

School Uniform: Now that the weather has started to improve and we are enjoying some beautiful spring weather, we have decided that the last day for girls to wear uniform pants will be tomorrow, April 17th. After we return from Easter vacation, girls will no longer be allowed to wear pants to school.

Field Trips: The fifth and sixth graders are off to Outdoor Education at the CYO Camp in Occidental on Tuesday, May 6thPlease read and complete the permission slips and send the form and payment back by the due date.

STEM Showcase: Today was the last day of the Spring STEM electives. Tomorrow, Thursday, April 17th, STEM students will share their work and projects with STM students and families in a showcase that represent the rigorous work and training resulting from student collaboration, problem solving, effective communication, and critical thinking skills. Please drop by the gym tomorrow between 9:00am-10:00am to see all they have accomplished.

Parents’ Club Nominations: The current Parents’ Club is seeking interested parents to take a leadership position as part of the 2014-2015 Parents’ Club. We hope you will consider yourself an interested candidate, or if you know of someone else who should be considered, please write that name next to the position you feel appropriate. Your suggestions do not obligate these parents in any way, but only assist us in the selection. Please complete the paper survey you received last week and return it to the school office as soon as possible.

Men’s Club Survey: As we mentioned last week, we have had many dads express interest in forming a Men’s Club at St. Thomas More School. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your input is valuable to us as we move forward.

FACTS: There are still some families who have not signed up for FACTS. Please note that FACTS is the only way tuition payments can be made for the next school year. Enrollment in FACTS must be completed no later than today, Wednesday, April 16th. If you enroll after today, there will be less payment plans to choose from and your monthly tuition payments will be higher. As a reminder, all tuition payments must be paid in full by March 2015.You have been sent an email from FACTS with instructions on how to enroll. If you have not received an email from FACTS, please stop by the office or email Melody at

The school office will be closed this Friday, April 18th as well as all next week, April 21st through April 25th. Enjoy the break!


Marie Fitzpatrick                                        

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

STM Newsletter for April 9, 2014

Dear Parents,

This Sunday, the final Sunday before Easter, is known as Palm Sunday and marks the beginning of Holy Week. It celebrates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. Great crowds of people thronged the streets waving palm branches to welcome Him. The people shouted "Hosanna" and laid their cloaks and palm branches from the nearby trees in His path, yet less than one week later, these same people shouted “crucify him, crucify him!”.

As we mentioned last week, as part of our preparation for the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, students in grades 2-8 received the sacrament of Reconciliation earlier today. Thank you to the 1st and 3rd grade students and their teachers for preparing last Sunday’s family mass. More thanks go out to the 4th graders and their teacher, Jen Conley, who presented the last set of stations of the cross today. These reminders of Jesus’ suffering and death prepares us for his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Our final Holy Week activity at STM will be the presentation a Lenten prayer service by 7th grade next Wednesday, April 16th at 1:00pm in the gym. Please join us if you can. Please note that our student body mass for next week will be on Monday, April 14th at 8:30am.

Next Wednesday is the last day of the Spring STEM electives. Next Thursday, April 17th, STEM students will share their work and projects with STM students and families in a showcase that represent the rigorous work and training resulting from student collaboration, problem solving, effective communication, and critical thinking skills. Please drop by the gym between 9:00am-10:00am next Thursday to see all they have accomplished.

As a reminder, Thursday, April 17th is a minimum day for all Preschool-8th graders and the beginning of Easter Vacation. Preschool will dismiss at 12 noon, K-3 at 12:15pm and 4-8 at 12:30pm. There will still be extended care until 6pm that day for K-8 students. Street parking will be limited because of the early dismissal schedule. The school yard will be open between 11am-noon to facilitate the pick up of Preschool students.

Spirit Week!: On Monday we kicked off Spirit Week with pajama day followed by twin day yesterday. Today it was great to see all the wacky crazy ways the students accessorized their uniforms. Moving along, Spirit week continues tomorrow as the students enjoy Fan Day, where students can represent their favorite sport team and we round out the week on Friday with STM Appreciation Day. On Friday afternoon, the student body will enjoy watching the Talent Show. All are invited to come and watch our amazing talented students in Carroll Hall beginning at 12:30pm sharp.

Sandwiches-for-the-needy: Thank you in advance to the 4th and 5th grade students who will take the lead in providing sandwiches for the needy this Friday, April 11th. We ask students in all grades to consider making at least one sandwich in this last collection before Easter.

Parents’ Club Nominations: The current Parents’ Club is seeking interested parents to take a leadership position as part of the 2014-2015 Parents’ Club.  While we understand that these positions may require additional support during the school year, the benefits to our children and our community are invaluable.  We hope you will consider yourself an interested candidate, or if you know of someone else who should be considered, please write that name next to the position you feel appropriate. Your suggestions do not obligate these parents in any way, but only assist us in the selection. Please complete the paper survey you are receiving in today’s envelope and return it to the school office as soon as possible.

Men’s Club Survey: As we mentioned last week, we have had many dads express interest in forming a Men’s Club at St. Thomas More School. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your input is valuable to us as we move forward.

2014-2015: Thank you for re-registering for the 2014-2015 school year. We look forward to continuing our partnership with you in the education for your children. We have now accepted a full class for our 2014-2015 Kindergarten. Any further kindergarten applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Now that the re-registration process is complete, we have a few openings in some of the other grades. Teachers have begun testing applicants for these few remaining spots. Utopia preschool has also completely filled all the available spots for the next school year. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful students and families. Thank you for spreading the good news about St. Thomas More School.

FACTS: As you know, we have implemented the FACTS program for processing payments for tuition for the 2014-2015 school year. If you have not already done so, please enroll in FACTS now; your child/ren’s enrollment is not complete until all enrollment steps have been taken, including establishing your payment plan. If you miss the Tuesday, April 15th, you will have fewer months available in your payment plan and your monthly amount will be higher. You have been sent an email from FACTS with instructions on how to enroll. If you have not received an email from FACTS, please stop by the office or email Melody at Tuition agreements will be finalized within the next two weeks. You first need to do your part so that this transition process moves along smoothly.
Dance Festival!: Save the date! This year, our Dance Festival will be held on Thursday night, May 22nd. This is the most popular event of the year and is always very well attended. Our dance teacher, Sue Rissotto, has been working very hard all year long to ensure that each student has a role in this spectacular production. All students, Preschool through eighth grade, are expected to participate in this event.
The Archdiocese of San Francisco would like to invite all adults 18-40, married and single to attend one of the listening sessions we will be holding across the Archdiocese. These are opportunities for you to share what your experience of Church has been like and what types of activities and events you would like us to offer. Your involvement and feedback will help us determine where we put our time and energy this upcoming year.  
The listening sessions will be held at the following times and locations:
  • April 27th after the 5:30pm mass from 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm at Notre Dame des Victoires in the Parish Hall.  566 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
  • May 4th at 2:00 pm at St. Andrews Parish1571 Southgate Ave, Daly City, CA 94015
  • May 4th after 5:00pm Mass at St. Charles in San Carlos in Borromeo Hall.  880 Tamarack Avenue, San Carlos, CA 94070
  • May 18th at 12:00pm at St. Matthews Parish in Ward Hall next to the Auditorium.  Notre Dame Avenue, San Mateo, CA. 94402
  • May 18th at 6:00 pm at St. Raphael’s Parish in the Kennedy Room.  1104 Fifth Ave. San Rafael, CA 94901
For more information, or if you have any questions please contact Angela Pollock at 415-614-5595 or email her at

Marie Fitzpatrick                               

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

STM Newsletter for April 2, 2014

Dear Parents,

The Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance) has three elements: conversion, confession and celebration. In it we find God's unconditional forgiveness; as a result we are called to forgive others. The peace of mind and soul which this sacrament imparts to us is one for which there is no substitute. It is a peace that flows from a certainty that our sins have been forgiven and that we are right with God. As we continue our Lenten journey and look forward to the resurrection of Christ, the 2nd through 8th graders will receive penance next Wednesday, April 9th.

Please consider joining us for our next Family Mass, this Sunday, April 6th at 10:00am. The 1st and 3rd graders are taking the lead in preparing this mass, which will carry a Spring theme. We hope to see you all there.

Tomorrow evening, in Carroll Hall at 7:00pm, the Parents’ Club will have their first-Thursday-of-the-month meeting. Come with your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. See you there!

We have had a lot of interest in starting a Men’s Club. We foresee this club as having various roles; assisting in a more formal way in school activities i.e. Cioppino cooking, pancake breakfast, parking and/or security for events, as well as having a social component such as pick up games, Monday night football gatherings etc. We will put a survey online shortly to get input from our dads on how they would like to see this club evolve.

First Communion meeting: Also tomorrow night, at 6:30pm in the church, our 2nd grade teacher, Claudia Heikel, and Msgr. Labib will meet with the families whose children are receiving first communion this year. This is a mandatory meeting for all of these families.

FACTS Tuition Management: As we said at our last mandatory parent meeting, we are very excited to partner with FACTS Tuition Management for the 2014-2015 school year. The fee, per family, per year for this service is $46, not $43 as previously mentioned. This fee will be due when you sign up with FACTS. Today you will be receiving an invitation email from FACTS to complete your registration. Please follow the instructions carefully. If you do not receive that email invitation or have any questions, please contact Melody in the office.

Financial Policies: Grades kindergarten through seventh are receiving the Financial Policies for the 2014-2015 school year today. We have managed to keep the tuition increase at 3.5% despite the salary increase for all faculty and staff members, the 8% projected increase in the cost of employee benefits for the coming school year, as well as the increased cost of textbooks, school supplies and activities. We hope to balance this low increase by raising the amount of fundraising closer to the Archdiocese average.

Parent Tuition Agreement and Parent Participation Requirements: Returning kindergarten through seventh graders are receiving the Parent Tuition Agreement and the Parent Participation Requirements for the 2014-2015 school year today. Please read them over and then complete both forms and return them to us by the deadline, Wednesday, April 16th. By returning those forms, we will know that you agree with the Parent Tuition Agreement and that you acknowledge and understand the Parent Participation Requirements for the coming school year. Please keep in mind that tuition payments for the 2014-2015 school year will be processed through FACTS Tuition Management.

Capital Campaign Phase 2: As discussed at our last parent meeting, every family is receiving a Capital Campaign Phase 2 pledge packet today. As per the financial policies, we ask that every family respond to the pledge. There is no specific, required contribution. The level of response from all school families to the Campaign is reviewed annually when the schedule of tuition rates and fees is set for the coming school year. The due date to respond is April 16th, 2014.

PM Extended Care: Since the last day in March was just two days ago, Extended Care invoices for March are not included in today's Wednesday envelope. They will be included in next Wednesday's envelope.  Please note: This will mean a shorter grace period before the due date of Wednesday, April 16th, which is the last day before Easter break. Thanks for your prompt payments!

Spirit Week: The Student Council has included information about Spirit Week, which begins on Monday, April 7th with Pajama day.

See's Candies: The deadline for ordering has been extended to Friday, April 4th. Candy orders will be available on April 11th just in time for Easter. Complete and return the form you previously received. Extra forms are available from the office.

Knockout: As a reminder, knock-out is this Friday. Sign-ups will be accepted until tomorrow at dismissal. This fun contest is open to all 3rd through 8th graders. The entry fee is only $5! The knock-out competition will be held on Friday, April 4th beginning at 12:30pm in the gym. We invite all to join us for this fun event.

Dance Festival!: Save the date! This year, our Dance Festival will be held on Thursday night, May 22nd. This is the most popular event of the year and is always very well attended. Our dance teacher, Sue Rissotto, has been working very hard all year long to ensure that each student has a role in this spectacular production. All students, Preschool through eighth grade, are expected to participate in this event.

Morning Drop-Off: As a reminder, the schoolyard does not open until 7:45 in the mornings. Children dropped off prior to that time will be checked in to morning care and will be charged the $10 drop in fee. It is not safe to leave children unsupervised in front of the school.

At this time of the year, teachers of all classes will begin working on the Family Life portion of the Religious Education curriculum. All grades will be using the Benziger Family Life series. We strongly encourage you to use this time to talk with your child about your family’s individual views and expectations. Please contact your child's teacher directly if you have any questions about this program.

Finally, we are investigating new flooring for our 1st through 8th grade classrooms. Do you have any contacts in this business? Please let the office know.


Marie Fitzpatrick                                        