Wednesday, February 25, 2015

STM Newsletter for February 25, 2015

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Newsletter for Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Dear Parents,

We are now on day eight of the Lenten Season. As we continue on this journey, we are reminded to show personal acts of kindness and sacrifice. We hope you continue to work with your children to help them better understand the concepts of prayer, fasting, and giving. Consider sitting down with your children once a week to discuss their Lenten plan. Meet as a family every Sunday during Lent and discuss ways you have shown personal acts of kindness and sacrifice. Be accountable to each other. If you make this a great Lent you will notice the difference on Easter Sunday. The celebration of Jesus' resurrection gives us much to which we can look forward.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: The Stations of the Cross began as the practice of pious pilgrims to Jerusalem who would retrace the final journey of Jesus Christ to Calvary. Later, for the many who wanted to pass along the same route, but could not make the trip to Jerusalem, a practice developed that eventually took the form of the fourteen stations currently found in almost every church. Please consider joining us for the first five stations, presented by the 4th grade on Friday, February 27th at 1:45pm in the church.

PARISH NEWS: Monsignor Labib Kobti has been the pastor at St. Thomas More Church for the past 12 years. As many of you may have heard, Monsignor Labib is currently on medical leave and will be retiring effective June 30th. The Archdiocese of San Francisco has begun the process of looking for a new pastor. Yesterday evening, Father Ray Reyes and Monsignor Harriman came to consult with representatives of the various communities of the parish as well as representatives from the school in order to assess the needs and challenges of the community. This is customary when parishes go through a change in leadership. We are grateful to Monsignor Labib for his dedication and service to St. Thomas More. Please pray for our church and school community as we go through this transition period.

SANDWICHES-FOR-THE-NEEDY: Our next collection for the Martin de Porres House is this Friday, February 27th, when the 1st and 6th graders will take the lead. We encourage ALL families to provide an extra sandwich. Some of our older students will prepare 50 additional sandwiches with the residents at AlmaVia to add to this collection. We are in need of a parent volunteer to deliver the sandwiches at approximately 10:45am. If you are available, please let the office know.

Calendar Items

Saturday, February 28th
Cioppino Dinner 5pm
Thursday, March 12th
Mandatory Parent Meeting, 7pm Gym
Friday, March 20th
End of 3rd Quarter
Report Cards go home on Friday, March 27th
Thursday, March 26th
Spring Show
Preschool-3rd 1:30pm
4th-8th 7:00pm
Saturday, March 28th
Father-Daughter Dinner Dance
April 3rd-12th
Easter Break - No School
April 18th - More details to come!
CIOPPINO DINNER: This Saturday, February 28th, we will have our annual Cioppino dinner. Tickets will not be given out this year, instead, those attending will check in at the door. Free dress passes will be given on Friday to students whose parents made a reservation to attend this fun event or gave a donation valued at $20 or more (this does NOT include contributions to a class basket). These passes may be used only on Monday, March 2nd.
The Architecture: Urban Planning and Design and the Interact with Art STEAM classes on their tour of San Francisco Field Trip.

STEAM: Today we began our Spring STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) electives for the 6th, 7th and 8th graders. These classes will nurture students' interests and love of learning through a project based learning approach that emphasizes our school learning expectations (THINK) as well as inspire innovation and creativity.  These classes take place on Wednesdays through April 1st with a showcase on April 2nd.  STEAM students will share their work and projects with STM students and families in the showcase that shows the rigorous work and training resulting from student collaboration, problem solving, effective communication, and the use of critical thinking skills. Ask your junior high student how their STEAM class was!

LAYETTE DRIVE: We are collecting new infant clothing through the month of March. These items will be donated to the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) to benefit needy mothers and their newborns throughout the year.  The items will be distributed throughout SF centers such as Alpha Pregnancy Center, Holy Family, Seton Pregnancy Center to name a few.  Please send any donation with your child or drop them off the bins in the front office.  Please check out the flyer in your child's Wednesday envelope for more information.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

MANDATORY PARENT MEETING: We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, March 12th at 7:00pm for a mandatory parent meeting for all families of preschool through 8th grade. This is a mandatory meeting for all parents. At least one parent from each family is required to attend. While it would be ideal if children could stay at home, we understand this is not always possible. Childcare for younger children enrolled at STM will be available in Carroll Hall at no cost. Please click here to make a reservation for childcare. We will begin the meeting in the gym promptly at 7:00pm. Please arrive early enough to sign in with your child/ren's teacher/s so that you may receive a raffle ticket. One lucky attending family will win free re-registration for one child. Be on time! The raffle will take place at 7:00pm sharp. At this meeting we will hear from Matt Devine, the consultant who helped us prepare our Emergency Operations Plan. This plan is designed to provide a framework for the actions to be taken by school staff for protecting students, staff and school facilities from a wide range of emergency and disaster situations that may occur.

Marie Fitzpatrick

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Summer Resources - February 18, 2015

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Summer Resources

Dear Parents,

Below are some links to some spreadsheets featuring local SF/Bay Area resources for families and students.  This list includes tutoring programs, after school programs, and cultural activities.  Additionally, you will find an updated list of community resources for the summer as well as information on a Spanish Immersion Camp at St. Finn Barr School.  

We will post additional resources as they are provided to us. Several of our local elementary schools offer summer classes for younger students. All of our local high schools also run summer programs both academic and sports related.


Marie Fitzpatrick
Copyright © 2014 St. Thomas More School, All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

STM Newsletter for February 11, 2015

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Newsletter for Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dear Parents,

As we move closer to the feast day of St. Valentine, we ask that you remember those less fortunate around you by showing a little love. The parable of the Good Samaritan from the Gospel of Luke is a great example of this. The parable tells of a traveler who is beaten and robbed along the side of the road. First a priest and then a Levite come by, but both avoid the man. Finally, a Samaritan comes by. The Samaritan helps the injured man. We mentioned last week that the Martin de Porres House of Hospitality are currently in need of some specific items for their mostly male clients. The items they are requesting are blankets, men's socks, travel sized toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving cream, and razors. We will be collecting these items as part of our L♥ve Thy Neighbor Campaign through the month of February. Please send them with your child or drop them off at the front office.

Sandwiches-for-the-needy: Our next collection for the Martin de Porres House is this Friday, February 13th, when the 2nd and 7th graders will take the lead. We encourage ALL families to provide an extra sandwich. Some of our older students will prepare 50 additional sandwiches in our school kitchen to add to this collection.

Calendar Items

Friday, February 13th
- Knockout, Grades 3-8 at
      10:45 am Gym
- Minimum Day
      12:15/12:30pm dismissal
Monday, February 16th
President's Day Holiday -
     No School
Enjoy the long weekend!
Wednesday, February 18th
Ash Wednesday
8:30am Student Body Mass
Saturday, February 28th
Cioppino 5 pm

CIOPPINO 2015: Work continues in preparation for our BIG fundraiser on Saturday, February 28th. Consider getting together with other parents from your child's class to purchase a table. This event is a lot of fun. Remember, childcare is available for $25 and includes dinner and snacks. To purchase tickets, please use the flyer you are receiving today.

DONATIONS NEEDED/FREE DRESS PASS: Thank you to those who donated items last week that we can use in our baskets at Cioppino. We depend on your donations, so please keep them coming! As a bonus, every school parent who buys a ticket or makes a donation (value $20 or more) for Cioppino will receive a FREE DRESS PASS for their child/ren to be used on Monday, March 2nd.

PARENT VOLUNTEER HOURS: SIGN UP FOR CIOPPINO NOW! As a reminder, each family is required to volunteer for a minimum of 12 hours for Parents' Club activities. As this is our major fundraiser, we have many volunteer slots available now. Chances to accrue volunteer hours are limited for the rest of the year. Please note that families who do not complete a minimum of 12 hours will be assessed a $450 fee.

BRONCO BOTICS: Congratulations to our first-ever Bronco Botics teams for participating in their first Jr. First Lego League Expo this past weekend! Our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade teams showcased projects and made presentations -- all of which would not be possible without the support of their volunteer coaches. For their educational place and tool projects, STM won the awards for Practical Problem-Solving (1st grade), Fantastic World Building (2nd grade), and Little Galileo (3rd grade). 

A big thank you to the following parents who stepped up as coaches and made Bronco Botics such a success: Dora Lim, Carol Cristobal, Sherwin Guevara, Luis Jimenez and Nelmar Presa.  A special thank you also to Eileen Calaguas who coordinated the Bronco Botics program at STM.

CYO SPORTS: Congratulations to our seven basketball teams who made it to the CYO playoffs. The 8th grade division 3 team will meet West Portal at 8:00pm tonight at St. Emydius gym, to duke it out in a tie-breaker for a spot in the playoffs. Come and show your support!

SPELL-A-THON: Thank you to all who returned their Spell-a-thon pledges by today's due date, however we can't award the prizes until all pledges are in. Please send in those monies as soon as possible. Families who do not submit monies by next Tuesday will be assessed a $30 per child Spell-a-thon fee which will be posted to their FACTS account.

SCRIP: Just a reminder that all families are required to generate a minimum of $100 profit by participating in the electronic scrip programs authorized by the school. Scrip purchased between May 1st, 2014 and April 30th, 2015 will be credited to this requirement. This Valentine's Day, we remind you to think ScripNow when you're shopping for flowers, candy, and the perfect date night for your sweetheart.

There won't be a newsletter next week as I will be away, Tuesday through Friday, on a WASC accreditation team at St. Raphael's School in San Raphael.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Marie Fitzpatrick

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