Wednesday, November 30, 2016

STM Newsletter for November 30, 2016

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Dear Friends,
One of the most important seasons in our church calendar, the Season of Advent, began this past Sunday. This season is a time for all of us to prepare for the birth of Jesus on Christmas day. Christians prepare for celebrating the birth of Jesus by remembering the longing of the Jews for a Messiah. In Advent, we're reminded of how much we ourselves also need a Savior, and we look forward to our Savior's second coming even as we prepare to celebrate his first coming at Christmas. God wanted so much for us to be with him that he became one of us. This is the greatest Christmas present – God's presence on earth. In the liturgical calendar the season of Christmas begins on Christmas Eve and lasts through the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6th. Please help your children understand the symbolism of the Advent Wreath and the importance of the true meaning of Christmas.

Next Thursday, December 8, we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation. The title of Immaculate Conception recognizes Mary's privilege of coming into the world free from sin. Through the power of Jesus' death and resurrection, every human can be freed from sin at Baptism. Through that same power, Mary was always free of sin, even from the very first moment of her life. Please consider joining the student body at the 8:30am mass.

This Friday, December 2, is our next collection of sandwiches-for-the-needy. All are welcome to participate and the 7th and 2nd graders are charged with taking the lead that day. We thank you in advance for what we hope will be another huge collection for those at the Martin de Porres House of Hospitality.
We look forward to seeing you all here this Sunday. We will begin the day with a 10:00am Family Mass where we will present all our Confirmation and First Communion candidates. Following the Mass, join us for the Holiday Fair and Pancake Breakfast in Carroll Hall. They will also offer pictures with Santa.
As a reminder, we are collecting peanut butter for the St. Vincent de Paul society. If we reach our goal of 800 jars of peanut butter by Friday, December 16, the student body will enjoy free dress on Tuesday, December 20. Please send a jar (or two!), any kind, any size with your child by Friday, December 16.
Current count: 270!
The SF Firefighters toy barrel is now in the office and is awaiting your donations! Please consider donating new, unwrapped toy(s) for kids ages infant to 12 years old. Let's continue to "Show the Wideness of God's Mercy" to less fortunate kids in our community, especially at this time of the year. We will continue collecting the toys until December 16.
The Parents' Club present their annual Santa's Secret Shop starting tomorrow, Thursday, December 1. Over the next two days, all the students will have an opportunity to purchase gifts for parents, friends and relatives. Each student should use the envelope they are receiving today to help them plan their shopping and to keep their money safe.
Check out the flyer in your envelopes today if you wish to order and support the 5th and 6th graders in their fundraiser for Outdoor Education.

Progress Reports are going home today. All students, third grade and up, are receiving such a report. These progress reports show a snapshot of the student's current academic standing with optional comments from their teachers. The grading scale is available here. As a system default, art, PE, music and tech will show P/100% for students who fully participate. Students in grades K-2 with behavior and/or academic concerns have already been contacted by their child's teacher.

Calling all Angels, Shepherds, Wise Men and readers! Please consider having your child participate in the Christmas Eve Children's Liturgy. The first practice will be held this Saturday at 1pm in the church. Please see the flyer in today's envelope for more information.
On December 15, our students will present their Christmas Program and will sing a selection of favorite Christmas Carols. All students will be involved in this production. This year we are excited to present the program on the almost completed stage in our gym.

Students should wear dressy clothes unless told otherwise by their classroom teacher. No t-shirts, sweats or Uggs please. Pants/dressy jeans should be fitted and not baggy.

The yard will be open for parking at 5:45pm. The gym doors will open at 6:00pm to allow students to enter their classrooms and for parents to enter the gym. Everyone is asked to line up in an orderly manner until the gym doors open. All students need to arrive by 6:20pm at the latest. We will begin the program promptly at 7:00 pm.

We are asking that everyone attending this fun event considers bringing one or two new, unwrapped toys as part of our toy drive for needy children, or a jar or two of peanut butter for our peanut butter drive. We look forward to your attendance for this faith-filled and fun-filled production. Everyone is welcome!
Does your child have a December or January Birthday?
Please click HERE to schedule a birthday party for your child and complete a birthday book request.

Just a reminder that Christmas vacation starts at 12:15/12:30pm on Tuesday, December 20. There is no extended care that day, so plan ahead!


Marie Fitzpatrick
Copyright © 2014 St. Thomas More School, All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

STM Newsletter for November 16, 2016

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Dear Friends,
As we move towards the holiday season, we want our students to continue to show that 'There's a Wideness in God's Mercy' by participating in our annual collection of peanut butter. Our collection this year, lead by the first graders, will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The St. Vincent de Paul Society has requested peanut butter, as it is a much-needed nutritious staple for them throughout the holiday season. Last year's collection was so successful, that the students brought in over 1,000 jars in just 4 weeks. This year, our collection, which starts today, November 16, will also run over the next four weeks so our goal as a school is to collect 800 jars! If we reach our goal of 800 jars of peanut butter by December 16, the student body will enjoy free dress on Tuesday, December 20. Please send a jar (or two!), any kind, any size with your child by Friday, December 16.

This Friday, November 18, is our next collection of sandwiches-for-the-needy. All are welcome to participate and the 1st and 8th graders are charged with taking the lead that day. In order to facilitate the distribution of sandwiches, we have been asked to provide just one type of sandwich: turkey on sliced white or brown bread. We thank you in advance for what we hope will be another huge collection for those at the Martin de Porres House of Hospitality.

Next week's schedule leaves us with only one-and-a-half short days of school. Please remember that on Tuesday, November 22 we begin our Thanksgiving break with minimum day dismissal, 12:15/12:30. Extended Care will be available. School will resume on Monday, November 28.
We won't be here to do a Wednesday newsletter next week, however, we will send home the relevant flyers we receive for distribution on Tuesday.
Thank you to all who supported the travel size toiletry drive for veterans. These much needed supplies will be donated to the San Francisco VA Medical Center along with some festive Thanksgiving decorations made by the students.
The SF Firefighters toy barrel will be in the office shortly and will be awaiting your donations! Please consider donating new, unwrapped toy(s) for kids ages infant to 12 years old. Let's continue to show the wideness of God's mercy to less fortunate kids in our community, especially at this time of the year. We will continue collecting the toys until December 16. Check out the flyer you are receiving in today's envelope for more information.
Just a reminder to order your scrip by 6am this Friday November 18 in order to receive it on Tuesday, November 22, the last day to receive gift cards before Thanksgiving break. Keep an eye out for Thank-scrip-ing Day deals. We will open the library on Tuesday, November 22 from 8:30am-10:00am to facilitate the purchase of scrip. If you haven't signed up yet, drop by during those hours and we'll be there to help you!
The Athletic Board has decided to cancel Friday's Knockout Competition because not enough students have signed up for this event. Please consider signing up for the Hoop-a-Thon later on this year.

The Parents' Club present their annual 2-day Santa's Secret Shop starting, Thursday, December 1. Students will have an opportunity to purchase gifts for parents, friends and relatives. Keep a lookout for more information to be sent home next Tuesday.

Please mark December 4 on your calendar as an exciting day here at STM. We will begin the day with our 10:00am Family Mass, followed by a Pancake Breakfast presented by the 7th and 8th grade dads, and a visit with Santa in Carroll Hall. Be sure to check out the Christmas Boutique items for sale in Carroll Hall as well.

Please save Thursday night, December 15, for our school's presentation of our Christmas Program. We will begin at 7:00pm in the Gym and all students, preschool through 8th grade will have a part in this program.
As we come to the day when we recognize all for which we should be thankful, we are especially mindful of you. You continue to support so many of our efforts by your presence and participation. These efforts have continued for years. Thank you, thank you, thank you and enjoy a great holiday with family and friends!

Marie Fitzpatrick
Copyright © 2014 St. Thomas More School, All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

STM Newsletter for November 9, 2016

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Dear Friends,
Now that election season has come to an end, we remember and pray for all those who worked to keep the democratic process alive and well in our country. The following tweet made this morning by Pope Francis reminds us all that there's a Wideness in God's Mercy.
"May we make God's merciful love ever more evident in our world through dialogue, mutual acceptance and fraternal cooperation."
Please remember that this Friday, November 11, is a holiday for all students, Preschool through 8th grade. The faculty will engage in all day service projects at St. Vincent de Paul.
As we get closer to Veteran's Day, please continue to help us by donating new or unused TRIAL SIZE personal items such as: mouth wash, moisturizer, body wash, shampoo, lotions, soaps, toilet paper, facial tissue and other personal hygiene items. Please send your donations of any of the above items with your child to school, or drop them off in the office. The collection will run through next Tuesday, November 15. 
Start your Christmas shopping now! Order your scrip by 6am on Friday November 18 and receive it on Tuesday, November 22, the last day to receive gift cards before Thanksgiving break. Keep an eye out for Thank-scrip-ing Day deals. This year, we will open the library on Tuesday, November 22 from 8:30am-10:00am to facilitate the purchase of scrip. If you haven't signed up yet, drop by during those hours and we'll be there to help you!
Please continue to invite friends and relatives interested in St. Thomas More School to come to our school tours for prospective parents. Click HERE to reserve a place for our last tour before the new year on Tuesday, November 22 at 9:00am. 

As a reminder, students currently attending Utopia Preschool and/or with siblings currently attending St. Thomas More School will be given preference in the kindergarten class of 2017-2018 if the application form is received by December 9, 2016. Please reserve Saturday, January 7 for kindergarten screenings and interviews.

We are in the process of applying to offer a Transitional Kindergarten program at STM beginning in the Fall of 2017. This will allow us to accept children who turn five years old between September 2 and December 2. Once our application has been approved by the Department of Catholic Schools, we will have lots of information to share with you about this exciting new program.

Please save Thursday night, December 15, for our school's presentation of our Christmas Program. We will begin at 7:00pm in the Gym and all students, preschool through 8th grade will have a part in this program.

This replaces the $350 Capital Improvement/Gymnasium Maintenance Fee from previous years. Making a donation instead of paying a fee may allow you to claim it on your taxes. However, we depend on full participation from all families. This donation supports the maintenance of the school plant and ongoing building improvements. For your convenience, this donation has been billed to your FACTS account. We appreciate receiving all donations no later than December 15, 2016. If you prefer to pay by check/cash, please let the school office know.

This is the time of the year when 8th graders are busily writing their high school essays and completing their applications. Because of changing demographics many families attend church in Parishes other than where their school is located. Please remember that students will need to have their clergy recommendations signed by the pastor in the parish where they attend Mass and other church services. This will ensure that recommendations are written by a pastor who knows your child and who is familiar with your family's involvement in your local church. Please note that all recommendation forms will go directly to Mrs. Girlich. She will then distribute them to the appropriate staff members.                          
PENNY BUCKET CHALLENGE: Last Tuesday marked the last day of the Student Council's "Penny Bucket" challenge. The class who collected the most pennies, weighing in at 
186.5 lbs, and the winners of FREE DRESS on Friday, November 18 is 4th grade.
2nd place - 2nd grade with 126 lbs
3rd place - 5th grade with 125 lbs
4th place - 3rd grade with 103 lbs
5th place - 1st grade with 54 lbs
6th place - 6th grade with 32 lbs
7th place - Kindergarten with 23 lbs
8th place - 8th grade with 17 lbs
9th place - 7th grade with 12 lbs

As a school, this year, we collected a total of 678.5 lbs of pennies (which is almost $1,000) to be donated to the Breast Cancer Emergency Fund. A BIG thank you to everyone who participated in donating pennies for this great cause.
It was great to have you join us for parent conferences last week. We are very proud of all our students and are grateful for the opportunity to partner with you in their education.


Marie Fitzpatrick
Copyright © 2014 St. Thomas More School, All rights reserved.
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