Dear Parents,
The First Communicants and their families invite you to join them
this Saturday, April 20th at 10:00am for their very special First
Communion liturgy in the Church. Congratulations to the following First
Communicants: Christian Grace Aguinaldo, Isabella Alarcon, Abram Ali, Bradley
Campos, Jacob David, Jadine DelosSantos, Eric Duarte, Michaela Echon, Gabriela
Freedland, Malachi Gastrock, Joshua Go, Gabriel Lozano, Reana Macatangay,
Mia-Gabrielle Madamba, Kiely Madrid, Lindsey Magno, Louie Mogannam, Dominic
Orlando, Nathan Quesada, Ava Riego, Dominic Rojo-Cagadoc, Isabel Sanchez,
Alexandra Santos, Matt Santos, Noah Singayan, Malia Sladewski, Ethan-Michael
Taylor, Salma van Mechelen and Gabriel Wico. Franco Moran will receive a
blessing. Please keep them in your prayers as they grow in faith.
Mandatory Parent Meeting: We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night at 6:30pm for a mandatory
parent meeting for all families of Kindergarten through 7th grade. Students
will not be allowed to attend this meeting. Babysitting is only available to
those who have already signed up. Please do not send your children to
babysitting as we only have enough staff for those previously registered. At
this meeting we will cover the new Common Core Math and the STEM initiative for
the 2013-2014 school year. As an added bonus all attending parents will be
entered into a raffle for a free small brick in our buy-a-brick fundraiser.
Check in with your child’s teacher to get your raffle ticket!
Grades kindergarten through seventh are receiving the Financial Policies for
the 2013-2014 school year today. Tuition has increased
approximately 7.5% but most other fees have remained the same. This raise in
tuition is necessary to cover the 2.5% salary increase for all faculty and
staff members, the 9-12% projected increase in the cost of employee benefits
for the coming school year, as well as the increased cost of textbooks, school
supplies and activities. Those of you who pay by credit card will also notice a
convenience/transaction fee which will help us cover the fees (approximately
$19,000 a year) charged by our bank for this service. If you have any questions
please contact the school office.
Agreement and Participation Requirements: Returning kindergarten through
seventh graders are receiving the Parent Agreement/Parent Participation
Requirements today. Please read them over and then complete both
sides of the “lavender” form and return it to us by the
deadline, next Friday, April 26th. By returning that form,
we will know how you plan to pay your tuition and that you acknowledge and
understand the Parent Participation Requirements for the coming school year. Please
keep in mind that if you are choosing to make monthly payments they will begin
May 1st.
Final numbers are in from this year’s Cioppino! Over $30,000 was
raised. A big thank you again to all who worked so tirelessly to make this
event such a success. Thank you also to Sue Sullivan, who once again
coordinated the See’s Candies fundraiser. The almost $900 raised from the See’s
Candies sale was the most successful to date.
Bingo ‘Cinco de Mayo’ Night is set for Saturday, May 4th. Reservation
forms are included in your envelope today. We hope to see you there.
Dance: This fun and special event for dad’s and
their daughters has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 11th. This is
always a well-attended event. Reservations are still being accepted. Check out
the flyer on our website if you are interested.
Hoop-a-thon: The Athletic Board will conduct their annual
Hoop-a-thon for 4th through 8th graders this
Friday, April 19th and for the kindergarten through third graders
on the following Friday, April 26th. Sign-ups are still being
accepted. Encourage your child to participate in this fun event! We’d love to
see you there to cheer on your children!
the Athletic Board: Thank you to the parents who have completed the online
application to show their interest in becoming a part of the Athletic Board. If
you did not have the chance to complete the application, but are still interested,
please contact Theresa Halloran, our Gym Director directly at
Care: Don't forget that next Monday, April
22nd is a minimum day with a 12:15 dismissal for K-3 and a 12:30 dismissal for
4-8. Afternoon Extended Care is having a special lunch with Mr. K grilling
hot dogs and hamburgers on the barbecue. A hot dog lunch is $4 and a
hamburger lunch is $5. Lunches included chips and a drink. Students not
attending extended care are also welcome to purchase a hot lunch to go at
dismissal time.
Chairs: We have 100 dark brown wooden chairs with a cushioned seat to
give away. They were donated to us from the San Francisco Golf Club, but since
they do not stack, we are having difficulty in storing them. Please drop by the
school to check them out if you are interested.
Again, we remind you to be considerate when parking your car for
school or church events. Last year, during First Communion Mass two cars were
towed. One was blocking the entrance to the golf club and another blocked the
entrance/exit to the freeway. The situation could prove to be very serious if
emergency vehicles can’t get through. With this Saturday being First Communion
we anticipate that parking will be limited. The schoolyard will be available
for parking. Please follow the directions of those helping with the parking
process. We appreciate your cooperation as we consider the safety of all.
Marie Fitzpatrick