Wednesday, March 6, 2019

STM Newsletter for March 6, 2019

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Dear Parents,

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of the Lenten Season and students had an opportunity to attend Mass and receive ashes. During Lent we are reminded to show our love for others. One way that students can do this is through personal acts of kindness and sacrifice. Last week, the students had a visit from the Missionary Childhood Association, whose motto is Children Helping Children. During the presentation the students heard about the great needs of the world's poorest children. During this Lenten season, we invite your children to pray and offer financial help so that the "children in the Missions today may know Christ and experience His love and care". Today your child is receiving individual collection envelopes from MCA. Let's all make a special effort this season to continue to make a difference in the world. 

Please join us this Sunday, March 10 for our next Family Mass. Thank you to our sixth grade families for taking the lead in this Mass beginning at 10:00am. See you there!
Thank you to all who joined us last night for the parent meeting. Your involvement and support for your St. Thomas More School is very much appreciated and you are truly a blessing to your children. A special thank you to our presenters: Sinead Foley, Jim Kolokotrones, Rhean Fajardo, John Wong and Joseph Curran. Congratulations to the Guevara Family and Boland Family for winning the free re-registration raffles! 

Please join us for our next Parents' Club meeting tomorrow night, Thursday, March 7 at 7:00pm in the library.
Families returning to STM/UTOPIA for the 2019-2020 school year
Families NOT returning to STM/UTOPIA for the 2019-2020 school year
Thank you for another wonderful year at St. Thomas More School. It's time to re-register for the 2019-2020 school year. We ask that all families, preschool through seventh grade, complete their re-registration online by clicking on the buttons above.

The re-registration fee is $375 for each child and will be billed to your FACTS account on Friday, March 22. The payment deadline is Wednesday, April 10. After this deadline of April 10, the re-registration fee is $500 per child. As a reminder, any family with unmet financial obligations to the school may be dropped from the registered list. These include scrip purchases and parent hours. 

Re-Registration Guidelines
  • You must complete one online form for EACH child currently attending STM/Utopia Preschool. (Preschool families who are entering kindergarten do not need to register online.)
  • If the online form is not completed by the due date, a seat will not be saved for your child.
  • As always, re-registration fees are non-refundable.

Grades TK through seventh are receiving the Financial Policies for the 2019-2020 school year today (effective 8/1/19). We have managed to keep the tuition increase at approximately 5% despite the salary increase for all faculty and staff members, the 8% projected increase in the cost of employee benefits for the coming school year, as well as the increased cost of textbooks, school supplies and activities.

Do you know what your kids are doing online? Facebook? Instagram? Snapchat? Twitter? To help kids maximize the Internet's benefits -- while minimizing the risks -- Common Sense Media offers the latest research, tips, and tools on what really keeps kids safe. Jill Murphy of Common Sense Media says "Parents are increasingly frustrated with feeling surprised or caught off guard by what is being in front of their kids." With that being said, here are some helpful links to keep your children safe online.

1. Talk to your child about internet safety. How? Check out these links for more information.

2. Know your child's usernames and passwords.
3. Log into your child's accounts periodically to ensure appropriate use of sites/apps

Over the next month, we will present a sexual abuse prevention program, the ​Teaching Safety – Empowering God's Children ​program, to our students. This program is provided to us by the ​Archdiocese of San Francisco​, and is a part of our ongoing effort to help create and maintain a safe environment for children and to protect all children from sexual abuse. If you determine that you DO NOT want your child to participate, please complete this "opt-out" form, and return it to your child's teacher no later than ​Friday, March 15.

Saddle up, put on your boots and mosey on over for a
Father-Daughter Hoedown Brunch!
When: Saturday, March 16th
Time: 12-2pm
Where: Carroll Hall
Click here for more information.
When: Saturday, April 13th
Time: 6-9pm
Where: Carroll Hall
Click here for more information.
Pre-order your 2018-2019 school yearbook directly from by March 31 to receive 2 free custom pages and free shipping to the school. Yearbook orders placed after the deadline with incur shipping fees. 
To purchase and customize your yearbook:
1. Go to
2. Enter your school's passcode: 1015250322084584
Don't forget to get up early and set your clocks ahead at 2:00am on Sunday, March 10, or even better, set them ahead on Saturday night. And while you are at it, change the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
Finally, while our school calendar for 2019-2020 has not yet been approved by the Archdiocese, and we want to let you know that we have requested to begin the new school year on Tuesday, August 20, 2019. Hopefully this will help those of you who are planning your vacations now. An official 2019-2020 school calendar will be sent home as soon as it has been approved. The new school year for Utopia, our preschool, will begin on Wednesday, August 14, 2019.


Marie Fitzpatrick
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