January 15, 2025 Happy Wednesday Broncos! Hard to believe we are already in the middle of January! There are so many activities and events coming up! Please be sure to see all the updates! Thank you for being a part of our community! Please be sure to RSVP for Grandparent/Special Person Day taking place on January 31, 2025. Gates for Parking opens at 8:30 a.m. Mass begins at 9:00 a.m. * * * Please see this message from the Archbishop of Los Angeles, Archbishop Gomez: Please keep praying for all those suffering in the wildfires sweeping through southern California. My heart goes out to our neighbors who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Let's pray for them and let's pray for our firefighters and first responders. May God keep all of our brothers and sisters safe and bring end to these fires! For more information or to help, go to: https://lacatholics.org/california-fires/. * * * Thank you for supporting STM @ the City Hall Planning Commission meeting last Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025. The next hearing is scheduled for February 13, 2025. * * * Special thanks to Dominican Women's Basketball Team for supporting our STM Broncos! Over the weekend, the coaches took the 5th grade girls basketball team to watch the Dominican University girls play and they were also able to scrimmage during halftime. One of the players, Alex Salise, is an STM alumni. * * * Save the date for Cioppino - Saturday, February 22, 2025. Please scroll down and scan QR code to reserve your tickets! * * * Next Monday, January 20, 2025 is MLK Day and we honor the work, life and legacy of Martin Luther King Junior. Common Sense Media Recommendations for MLK St. Thomas More School proudly celebrates our diversity and multicultural heritage and that helps make us a strong community of love, acceptance, tolerance and faith. Thank you Dr. King! * * * Please share any of your school pictures: sports, events, activities etc. to: yearbook@stthomasmoreschool.org Please be sure to check out all the announcements below. We are all truly blessed to be part of such an amazing community!  Peace, love, happiness, and harmony. David Greenbaum (Mr. G.), Principal |