Wednesday, February 28, 2018

STM Newsletter for February 28, 2018

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Dear Parents

Students are learning that Lent is a time for preparation for the Resurrection of Jesus. Throughout the Lenten season, students discover how forgiveness, charity, and faith can help them participate in the sacrifice of Jesus. Please work along with us as we help your children explore how they can prepare their hearts for Easter. Discuss with them some of the changes they are hoping to make in their lives during the season of Lent. Share with them some of the changes you hope to make. Together we can help the children understand the significance of this important time in our church calendar. Check out this site for activities you can do with your children.

Please join us this Sunday, March 4 for our next Family Mass. Thank you to our sixth grade families for taking the lead in this Mass beginning at 10:00am. See you there!
Our 26th Cioppino celebration is history! What a wonderful event. This is our largest fundraiser of the year and we are grateful to all who supported the event in any way. There were over 350 diners and countless volunteers for set up, the event itself, and clean up. A special thank you goes out to our fantastic clean-up crew.

Thank you also to the cioppino committee made up of Linda Shah, Zodine Spiegel, Anarose Schelstrate, Jessica Ramirez, Valerie Willsea, Judy Silva, Trilce Farrugia, April Dominguez and Shelley White, for all their hard work. A special thank you to the three honorary committee members: David Joy (especially for his generous wine contribution), Jim Schelstrate (for the ambient lighting) and to our fantastic DJ, Herb Felina.

Congratulations to head chef, Robert Maldonado and his wonderful crew made up of Don Brenes, Anthony Bustos, Jason Bustos, Joe Goncalves, Grant Jung, Benny Sablad, Pete Martinez for catering such a scrumptious meal again this year. A special thank you also to our 7th grade students and Boy Scout Troop 343 for donating their time to assist with parking and serving dinner.
It appears that someone mistakenly took the wrong basket home from Cioppino Saturday night. Our Blue Plate Special basket couldn't be found for the winner. She was extremely disappointed. We hope that if you or someone you know brought it home by mistake that you will return it to school. The winner would greatly appreciate it.
During the Cioppino fundraising dinner, we launched a FUND-A-NEED to raise some funds to purchase new desks and chairs for our classrooms. Some of the classroom furniture has not been replaced since the 1950's!! We raised $1,420 at the dinner. If you were not in attendance and did not have a chance to participate, we are including an envelope today for your convenience.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Please join us for our next Parents' Club meeting tomorrow night at 7:00pm in the library.
We are delighted to be again offering the 5 week Coding Workshop, which will begin next week on March 9, to our 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Please sign up immediately using THIS FLYER as spots are limited. Sessions meet every Friday after school from 2:30-4:00pm in the science lab.   

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, March 13 for a mandatory parent meeting for all families of kindergarten through 8th grade. This is a mandatory meeting for all parents. At least one parent from each family is required to attend. Please click HERE to make a reservation for childcare. Doors open at 6:00pm for hospitality and light refreshments. We will begin the meeting in the gym promptly at 6:45pm. Be on time for your chance to win one of two free re-registration fees (a winning 8th grade parent will have their graduation fees waived)!
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Mercy High School is looking for 4th, 5th and 6th graders interested in playing a role in their production of Seussical the Musical! If you have an interested child, please see the information below.
Does your child have a March Birthday?
Please click HERE to schedule a birthday party for your child and complete a birthday book request.
Finally, while our school calendar for 2018-2019 has not yet been approved by the Archdiocese, and we want to let you know that we have requested to begin the new school year on Thursday, August 16, 2018. Hopefully this will help those of you who are planning your vacations now. An official 2018-2019 school calendar will be sent home as soon as it has been approved. The new school year for Utopia, our preschool, will begin on August 15, 2018.


Marie Fitzpatrick
Copyright © 2014 St. Thomas More School, All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

STM Newsletter for February 21, 2018

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Dear Parents:
We are now on day eight of the Lenten Season. As we continue on this journey, we are reminded to show personal acts of kindness and sacrifice. We hope you continue to work with your children to help them better understand the concepts of prayer, fasting, and giving. Consider sitting down with your children once a week to discuss their Lenten plan.  Meet as a family every Sunday during Lent and discuss ways you have shown personal acts of kindness and sacrifice.  Be accountable to each other.  If you make this a great Lent you will notice the difference on Easter Sunday. The celebration of Jesus' resurrection gives us much to which we can look forward.
Here are a few reminders of ways that the church asks us to observe the Lenten season.
  • Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence, that is, limited to a single, full meal and abstinence from meat.
  • This applies to all persons ages 14-60. It is highly recommended that children from ages 7 to 14 years also fast and abstain on these days.
  • The other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat.
  • During Lent, all Catholics are encouraged to receive Holy Eucharist frequently and to receive the Sacrament of Penance so that all may be prepared to celebrate more fully the paschal mystery on Easter Sunday.

This Friday, February 23, is our next collection of sandwiches-for-the-needy. All are welcome to participate and the 4th and 7th graders are charged with taking the lead that day. In order to facilitate the distribution of sandwiches, we have been asked to provide just one type of sandwich: turkey on sliced white or brown bread. We thank you in advance for what we hope will be another huge collection for those at the Martin de Porres House of Hospitality.
This Saturday, February 24, we will have our annual Cioppino dinner and we are SOLD OUT!. Tickets will not be given out this year, instead, those attending will check in at the door. We'll see you there Saturday night!
Congratulations to Joe Sheridan, our final Weekly Wine Drawing Winner! You may claim your prize at the STM office. LAST CHANCE to enter to WIN the grand prize of 25 bottles of exclusive red and white wines (value $500+)? Send your raffle tickets in now! Only $5.00 a ticket or 5 for $20.00. The grand prize winning ticket will be drawn at Cioppino 2018.
A BIG thank you to Trilce Farrugia, mother of Enzo (5th grade). Trilce is once again heading up the See's Candies Spring Fundraiser. Please follow the deadline for ordering. Candy orders will be delivered in plenty of time for Easter. Complete and return the form you are receiving today if you wish to order.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, March 13 at 6:45pm for a mandatory parent meeting for all families of kindergarten through 8th grade. This is a mandatory meeting for all parents. At least one parent from each family is required to attend. Please click HERE to make a reservation for childcare. Doors open at 6:00pm. Light refreshments will be served. We will begin the meeting in the gym promptly at 6:45pm. Be on time for your chance to win one of two free re-registration fees!
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Does your child have a March Birthday?
Please click HERE to schedule a birthday party for your child and complete a birthday book request.
Don't forget, Monday is a minimum day with 12:15/12:30pm dismissal.


Marie Fitzpatrick
Copyright © 2014 St. Thomas More School, All rights reserved.
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San Francisco, CA 94132

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