FUNDRAISING CATALOG: Today we are sending home the fundraising gift catalog and order forms with every child. As per the financial policies, all K-8 families are required to participate in the Fall Fundraiser. Each family is to sell a minimum of $100 worth of product per child enrolled in the school. Last year we raised $23,000. This year our goal is $25,000 which will cover the cost of the Spanish program, including the teacher and all classroom materials. All order forms are due back to the classroom teachers by Tuesday, September 22nd. Extra catalogs are available from the office. K-8 families who do not wish to participate in this fundraiser will be charged (via FACTs) the $150 per child opt-out fee once all orders have been collected. Thank you again to Christy Ramos, mom of 8th grader, Ethan, who has volunteered to help count and collate the orders that come in.
SCRIP: As part of your financial obligations to STM, each family is required to meet the mandatory scrip requirement to generate a minimum profit of $100 by participating in the electronic scrip programs authorized by the school ( and/or We have included a flyer in today's envelope on how to sign up. After reviewing that flyer, if you are still unsure how to sign up for these scrip programs, please stop by the office and Melody will be happy to help you get started. |