Dear Parents,
Parenting in today’s society can be both rewarding and challenging. Effective parenting practices must focus on fostering children who have the ability to be self-reliant and resilient. Children need help managing time, scheduling, prioritizing tasks and setting goals. Your job is to help them develop these skills in an age-appropriate level. This article by Dr. Pat McCormack for Today's Catholic Teacher Magazine has some great insights and helpful tips to help you negotiate the tricky path between doing too much for your child and setting them up for success by learning to do things for themselves.
On Friday we will observe Patriot Day, when we remember all those affected by the September 11th tragedy 14 years ago. To mark this day, we will begin our morning assembly with an abbreviated version of President Obama's proclamation read by the student council president. We will then raise the flag to its half-staff position while the student choir sings America the Beautiful. Please consider joining us if you can.
We hope to see everyone this Sunday, September 13th, for one of the most important celebrations of the school year. Please join us for our Back-to-School Mass at 10:00. Come and share in the celebration as we begin a new year together at St. Thomas More School and Utopia Preschool. Following the Mass, there will be hospitality in Scanlon Hall. |
International Food Festival 2014 |
INTERNATIONAL FOOD FESTIVAL: Volunteers are still needed to sign-up for the International Food Festival. Please click here to select an assignment. Again this year, the event will be held over two days, Saturday, September 26th and 27th. SAVE THESE DATES! Check out these flyers and return them to the office if you are interested.
- Pre-Purchase Bracelet Form - Avoid the hassle and lines at the festival and pre-purchase your child(ren) an ALL DAY jumper bracelet.
- Talent Show - The International Food Festival Committee is looking for some talented students to perform at various times on both Saturday & Sunday.
- Fall Festival Wish List - Donations are always accepted. Check out the list to see how you can help.
CATALOG FUNDRAISER: How is the catalog fundraiser coming? The deadline for returning your orders is Tuesday, September 22nd.
SHOPAROO: We raised almost $900 last year! All you need to do is take pictures of your grocery receipts with the Shoparoo app for smartphones and tablets. It doesn’t matter where you shop or what you buy - every receipt submitted results in a donation to our school! So, what are you waiting for? Simply download the free app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and then select St. Thomas More School as your chosen cause. Since there is no limit to how much money we can raise with Shoparoo, be sure to invite your friends and neighbors to join in – every receipt counts! Check out the flyer in today's envelope for more information. |
ENJOY THE WARM WEATHER!: As you are aware, the start of the school year has been filled with some lovely warm weather. Today the students were treated to popsicles to help alleviate some of the warmth. Tomorrow, we will continue to celebrate the weather with a t-shirt and shorts free dress day (modest shorts and tops, no bare shoulders)!. During these days when the temperatures are higher than usual, please remember to remind your child to stay hydrated.
PIRATE DAY IS COMING!: Talk like a Pirate Day is Friday, September 18th. Students may wear pirate accessories with their uniforms (no weapons please). The Student Council will sell pirate themed accessories during morning recess and will host a pirate themed bake sale during lunch recess on this day. Further information will be sent home next week. Arrrg! |
See you Sunday!
Sincerely, Marie Fitzpartick Principal |