Wednesday, February 12, 2020

STM Newsletter for Wednesday, February 12, 2020

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Second graders just started a new math unit on geometry this week. While working in teams during STEM class, Ms. Santillan would call out the names of shapes and challenge them to build those figures with the correct vertices, angles and edges based on their math knowledge.

Dear Parents:

The Church has dedicated the month of February to the Holy Family. During this time, we continue our journey from the Birth of Jesus toward the Holy Season of Lent. The Holy Family reminds us that our own family is the place where we can model the love of Jesus, his Mother Mary and his foster father, Joseph. 

A Prayer to the Holy Family

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, guide our families here on earth.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, make our lives and our homes like yours.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, make our home life a foretaste of heaven here on earth.

Almighty God, whose only-begotten Son was born of a virgin and submitted himself to the authority and vocation of a carpenter, grant us a share in his humility so that we may be raised to share the joyful company of the same Virgin and Carpenter in your heavenly kingdom.

Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
– from the Book of Catholic Prayer


Friday, February 14
Minimum Day - 12:15/12:30 pm dismissal
Optional Parent Teacher Conferences

Monday, February 17
Presidents' Day - School Holiday

Tuesday, February 18
MCA visits
Faith Families 

Wednesday, February 19
Class Group Photo Day 

Saturday, February 22
Cioppino 5 pm

Monday, February 24
Minimum Day 12:15/12:30 pm dismissal 

Check out our Parent Calendar for upcoming events.

Catholic Identity Survey


LAST DAY to complete the survey:
Friday, February 14, 2020 


Please take 5 minutes to complete the Catholic Identity Survey for this year by Friday, February 14, 2020.


Spell-a-thon sponsor sheets will be sent home today in your Wednesday envelopes. Completed sponsor sheets are due back to school on Friday, March 6, 2020, and the spelling test will be administered to the classroom teacher that day. The minimum total pledge amount to be collected per student is $30. Final day to submit sponsored totals is on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.

Class Group Photo Day 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Class group photo order envelopes went home last week. You may also order online from your MugsyClicks account. 

Thank you, STM families and students, for contributing to the One Warm Coat Drive! Together we donated 115 coats to this worthy cause.

Please mark your calendars for our Annual Cioppino Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, February 22, 2020. The evening includes appetizers, antipasto, salad, garlic bread, cioppino (or chicken if you prefer), dessert, balloon prizes and a fabulous auction. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and is always a sell out event.  Please click below to purchase tickets.


Cioppino 2020 Bucket List & Class Baskets

We're back! The 2020 Cioppino committee is hard at work to make this year's cioppino dinner and silent auction the best yet. And to remind you that our children get a great education at a tuition rate lower than most private schools - in part because of fund-raisers such as this. The committee has a wish list. And the first two items on the list won't cost you a cent. If you have any questions, contact Trilce at or Linda at

For more information, check out:

Cioppino 2020 Bucket List & Class Baskets flyer

This year, the Cioppino Committee is also holding a 50/50 raffle. All students will be receiving a book of tickets in today's envelope. If every family sold just one book of tickets that would bring the first prize to about $12,500! Check out their flyer for more information. 

As a reminder, Friday, February 14, 2020 is a minimum day with a 12:15/12:30 pm dismissal. Also please do enjoy your Presidents' Day holiday on Monday, February 17, 2020. School will resume on Tuesday, February 18, 2020. 

Marie Fitzpatrick


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