Wednesday, February 19, 2020

STM Newsletter for Wednesday, February 19, 2020

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The Second Grade Bronco Botics Team met this week to get started on Boomtown Build, this year's FIRST LEGO League Jr. theme and challenge. The team named themselves the STM Boomtown Broncos and are VERY excited to be working together on their first builds.

Thank you to Maura Devlin-Clancy, Bronco Botics Jr. team coach, for providing photos for this week's collage!

Dear Parents:

During yesterday's assembly the students in grades 1-8 had an opportunity to learn about the  Missionary Childhood Association and the work that it does throughout the world. The focus of the Association is "children helping children" and one of its primary goals is to teach children worldwide that everyone has something to give through both prayer and personal sacrifice. Students learn the importance of individual prayer and simple ways to pray for the Missions. This year the Lenten Season begins on Ash Wednesday, February 27 and runs until Easter Sunday, April 12. Just as Jesus fasted and prayed in the desert for 40 days and nights we too are asked to spend 40 days in preparation for the Resurrection of Jesus at Easter.

Today students will receive a prayer card, a rosary and a lenten collection box to help them on their lenten journey. Please take time to help your child plan prayer opportunities and make some personal sacrifices during Lent. 

SAVE THE DATE: Meeting with Parkmerced and city agencies on Thursday, March 12 at 6pm

This is a follow up meeting regarding the traffic changes on Brotherhood Way and the removal of the current footbridge. I have been told that several new options are being considered. I urge you to attend the meeting and have your voice heard in regard to the safety of all our students and families. Students are also encouraged to attend. 


Friday, February 21
Sandwiches for the Needy led by TK/K
Grade 5 Chess class

Saturday, February 22
Cioppino 5 pm

Monday, February 24
Outdoor Education Pre-Order Pizza Sale
Minimum Day 12:15/12:30 pm dismissal 
Teacher In-service Day

Check out our Parent Calendar for upcoming events.

Spell-a-thon sponsor sheets will be sent home today in your Wednesday envelopes. Completed sponsor sheets are due back to school on Friday, March 6, 2020, and the spelling test will be administered to the classroom teacher that day. The minimum total pledge amount to be collected per student is $30. Final day to submit sponsored totals is on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.

Class Group Photo Day 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Order class group photos online from your MugsyClicks account.

Please mark your calendars for our Annual Cioppino Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, February 22, 2020. The evening includes appetizers, antipasto, salad, garlic bread, cioppino (or chicken if you prefer), dessert, balloon prizes and a fabulous auction. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and is always a sell out event.  Please email Anarose Schelstrate at if you would like to purchase tickets.

Last week, we received a very kind letter from the San Francisco Food Bank to thank STM students and families for our generous donation in December. Together we collected 685 pounds of food for the 400 pound food drive pledge!

Marie Fitzpatrick


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