Below is a message from Tabia Ye, SF CYO Athletics Coordinator:
We hope you and your families are all doing well during this time. We are saddened that we could not continue our spring 2020 sports season this year, but would like to still engage your students. We are excited to host our first NBA 2K Esports Tournament for all your students whether they participated in CYO sports or not. Please see below for more information.
- Game: NBA 2K. This is a popular online basketball video game.
- Platforms: PS4 or Xbox
- Registration Fee: FREE
- Registration Deadline: Friday, May 1st
Tournament Start Date: Monday, May 4th - Depending on the number of registrations, we will determine the length of the tournament.
Time Slots: 5pm to 10pm
Format/Duration: 1v1 with 5 minute quarters for a total of 4 quarters - see our rules below for more information.
1st Place Prize: Choice of Indoor/Outdoor Basketball, Adidas Hoodie, or Adidas Shoes (hoodie and shoes are limited to sizes that CYO have in stock).
Please have parents register their children if they are interested in participating. We will be using our new website on TeamSideline for the registration process.
Tournament Rules
NBA 2K Tournament - CCCYO NBA2K May Madness Games will be streamed on YouTube - the "Home" team will be the streamer. If there is a protest, the game can be reviewed via the YouTube stream. "Home" team must report the final score to CYO for the results to be entered, along with the link to the YouTube stream.
Players must coordinate with their opponent to schedule their game for that day between 5pm - 10pm.
Players must provide their gamertags to CYO.
The following settings are to be used in official matches:
Connection: Play With Friends
Quarter Length: 5 Minutes
Game Mode: Private Match
Game Style: Simulation
Fatigue: On
Difficulty: All Star
One pause is allowed per player per half.
Teams must be current rosters, no use of All-Star or Legends teams is allowed.
If a game disconnects in the first quarter, the game will simply restart. If it disconnects after the 1st quarter, the players will take note of what the score was at the end of the last completed quarter then start a new game and play the remaining quarters and add their scores. Reminder, only a total of 4 quarters should be played.
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you,
CYO Athletics