Wednesday, April 8, 2020

STM Newsletter for Wednesday, April 8, 2020

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Dear Parents,

As Holy Week progresses and we journey towards Easter, we celebrate the death and Resurrection of Jesus. During these holy days, let us remember that there is always hope at the end of each crisis. Jesus was crucified and died on Good Friday. If this did not happen, we would not be able to experience the joy and hope it brought to our world on Easter Sunday. So too, do we look ahead from these dark days of Covid-19 to a time when we can celebrate the joy of being together again with our friends and family members. That will be our moment of resurrection.

"Pope Francis sends this video message to Christians around the world as we prepare to celebrate Holy Week in an unusual manner due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. He prays especially for those suffering and for all the families whose lives have been upset in this difficult time." Below is a link to the Pope's message ahead of Holy Week.


Yesterday, the public schools in the six Bay Area Counties announced that they would not be returning to school until August. Although we have not received official word from the Archdiocese of San Francisco regarding extending our closure dates, I will be very surprised if they do not follow the same policy. I will let you know as soon as I hear anything. Meanwhile, teachers will be spending part of their Easter vacation planning for 6-7 weeks of distance learning when we return on April 20th. We will have further details on our plans once vacation is over.

Please take a few minutes to view my video message to you. 


A Message from the Principal


Thursday, April 9-Friday, April 17 - Easter Holiday

Monday, April 20 - Distance Learning classes resume

Friday, April 24 - Finish Up Friday

  • No additional online written work
  • Check missing or make up work
  • Please continue to submit your child's attendance online

Friday, May 1 - Finish Up Friday

Check out our Parent Calendar for upcoming events.


We are aware that some families have been unable to complete their parent participation hours for this school year. Many events have been recently cancelled, and it doesn't look like we will be able to reschedule before the end of this school year. Under these circumstances we will not charge you the $450 fee for unfulfilled hours for the 2019-2020 school year. However, if possible, we are asking that you donate a case of paper to STM when we return to school. 

To show our gratitude to all families who already completed all their hours before the school closure came into effect, they will receive credit for 4 hours automatically for the new school year 2020-2021. 

2020- 2021 Parents' Club
Nomination & Sign Up

We are seeking interested parents to take a leadership position as part of the 2020-2021 Parents' Club. While we understand that these positions may require additional support during the school year, the benefits to our children and our community are invaluable. We hope you all consider yourself an interested candidate, or if you know of someone else who should be considered, please write that name next to the position you feel appropriate. Your suggestions do not obligate these parents in any way, but only assist us in the selection.

Parents' Club Nomination Form

Below is a message from Gustavo A. Torres, Coordinator, Archdiocesan Assistance & EIG Programs, Federal Programs & Development of the Department of Catholic Schools.

"April 15, is the annual deadline for submitting all information to TADS, the third party needs evaluation company that we use to collect the financial data from our families. This is consistent with the process we used to award tuition assistance for this year.

After the Student Aid Form has been processed by TADS, the Department of Catholic Schools gathers the completed application materials. Applicants are ranked on the basis of financial need. Within the limit of available funds, the Archdiocese of San Francisco will then award financial aid. This is the same application process used for school or parish specific scholarships, IF a scholarship program exists at the particular elementary school.

Late applications will NOT be considered. Students must live in Marin, San Francisco, or San Mateo Counties to be considered for the Archdiocesan Scholarship. Please visit the other scholarship programs section for more opportunities. Grant notifications will be sent out to the elementary student's families in late May/early June. 

To use the TADS Financial Aid online application go to You will be guided through the application. If you have any questions, you can phone TADS at 800-477-8237.

The Archdiocese of San Francisco is unable to provide financial aid to all students who apply. If a family is notified that the Archdiocese cannot provide assistance, the family should try and reach out to the elementary school, or high school for more information about any additional assistance that may be available from them directly.

Although the IRS has pushed back the tax deadline to July, families can submit 2018 tax returns for the time being and that when they file their new taxes they should update that information in TADS."

The Archdiocese will update us mid-May with the tuition assistance award status for the new school year. 


Please submit your Spell-a-thon pledges by Friday, April 17, 2020. Mail checks only please; do not send cash.

  • Make checks payable to St. Thomas More School.
  • Write your student's first and last name and grade on the memo line.
  • Mail checks to: 
St. Thomas More School
50 Thomas More Way,
San Francisco, CA 94132

You may also submit your payments online. Any outstanding pledges will be billed to your FACTS account on Monday, April 20, 2020. Please contact our office assistant, Betty, if you have any questions at 

Spell-a-thon Online Pledge Form


As the impacts of COVID-19 continue to spread across the country, FACTS has made the decision to suspend all returned payment fees for payments that return during the month of April.

Progresses In the event that a family's payment returns due to insufficient funds during the month of April, there will be no returned payment fee assessed. No action will be required by the family and the payment will be reattempted based on the standard schedule.

We understand the significant complications that have developed over the past several weeks and want to do what we can to reduce the potential financial strain on your families. FACTS will continue to evaluate the situation and make any future decisions regarding these fees on a month-to-month basis.

There have been some concerns in the media about the use of Zoom for meetings. Rest assured that we have taken the proper precautions in setting up our Zoom meetings to prevent zoombombing. We have waiting rooms activated, so that teachers only allow students whose names they recognize join a meeting. Our Zoom links are not posted publicly so random strangers cannot find them. 

It's not too late to order your yearbook. Shipping is only $2.99. Visit Treering's website to order now!

Remember to update your shipping address if you ordered before March 23. Follow the update shipping address directions to have your yearbook shipped directly to your home. 

Fr. Marvin has shared that he is fully healed from the Covid-19 virus and has been cleared to return to work. He is grateful for all the prayers and good wishes sent his way. 

Let us continue to pray for a speedy recovery for all those affected by the virus. Special prayers also for those who continually put others first when they go to work every day in essential services.

Have a holy and a blessed Easter.

Marie Fitzpatrick

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