CANCELED EVENTS The following events have been canceled. Refunds, where applicable, will be issued in the next week and may take 3-5 business days to process. Checks submitted for events will be mailed back to families. - Mother and Son Bowling
- Mother and Son Dance
- Homework Club
- 7th and 8th Grade Social
- March and April Pizza Sale
- STAR Testing - Q4 standardized testing has been officially canceled in California
RESCHEDULED EVENTS We are working on find alternatives dates for the following events: - First Reconciliation
- First Communion
- Confirmation
- Eighth Grade Graduation
Parents of 8th grade students have received a survey regarding their preferences for graduation. We want to ensure that all students and their families have the opportunity to celebrate this major achievement. I am working with Fr. Marvin to reschedule First Sacraments for early in the Fall. To the best of my knowledge, Confirmation will be next year, with both 7th and 8th grade students receiving the sacrament at the same time. |