Wednesday, April 22, 2020

STM Newsletter for Wednesday, April 22, 2020

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Dear Parents,

It is now official that distance learning will be in place for the remainder of this school year.  We are confident that instructional excellence and student success will continue, and we thank you, our community, for your flexibility, resilience, patience, courage, creativity and faith in St. Thomas More School.

Together, we will ensure a bright future for all our students. To help guide your understanding of what the next 6-7 weeks of learning looks like, our teachers have developed distance learning curriculum plans that outline the goals for student learning and achievement from now until the end of the school year. Please visit our school website or follow the link below:
Distance Learning Curriculum Plans
Our next major goal will be to look at all the different options presented to make decisions for how student progress and/or grading will look at different grade levels. Our teachers, under the guidance of the Department of Catholic Schools, are currently studying different models and current research, in an effort to make decisions and any necessary adjustments to our report cards.

End of the Year School Closure

Due to the shelter-in-place orders, all Archdiocesan schools will continue with distance learning through the end of the school year, June 5, 2020. For more information, please refer to Monday's newsletter that included Superintendent of Schools, Pamela Lyons' message to Archdiocesan families.


Friday, April 24
Finish Up Friday
- No additional online school work will be assigned
- These days are for following up on missing or make up work. Teachers may set up individual assessments time and recommend virtual field trips and activities. 

Monday, April 27 - Minimum Day 12:15/12:30 dismissal from Distance Learning 

Friday, May 1 
May Crowning Prayer Service
Finish Up Friday 

Attendance Link:

Check out our Parent Calendar for upcoming events.


Check out Dr. Colorado's video to our students and families. Feel free to contact Dr. Colorado, our school counselor at



The following events have been canceled. Refunds, where applicable,  will be issued in the next week and may take 3-5 business days to process. Checks submitted for events will be mailed back to families.

  • Mother and Son Bowling
  • Mother and Son Dance
  • Homework Club
  • 7th and 8th Grade Social
  • March and April Pizza Sale
  • STAR Testing - Q4 standardized testing has been officially canceled in California


We are working on find alternatives dates for the following events: 

  • First Reconciliation
  • First Communion
  • Confirmation
  • Eighth Grade Graduation 

Parents of 8th grade students have received a survey regarding their preferences for graduation. We want to ensure that all students and their families have the opportunity to celebrate this major achievement. I am working with Fr. Marvin to reschedule First Sacraments for early in the Fall. To the best of my knowledge, Confirmation will be next year, with both 7th and 8th grade students receiving the sacrament at the same time.

2021 Parents' Club Nomination & Sign Up

We are seeking interested parents to take a leadership position as part of the 2020-2021 Parents' Club. While we understand that these positions may require additional support during the school year, the benefits to our children and our community are invaluable. We hope you all consider yourself an interested candidate, or if you know of someone else who should be considered, please write that name next to the position you feel appropriate. Your suggestions do not obligate these parents in any way, but only assist us in the selection. 

Parents' Club Nomination & Sign Up Form 

Thank you STM students and families for collecting sponsors and donations for this year's Spell-a-thon. This year's pledges totaled $12,413! Your contribution supports our technology program and funds online programs and digital resources such as ALEKS, PowerSchool, STMath and as well as network upgrades, equipment and broadband service for our school. 

And finally, I am sharing with you two short youtube videos. The first is a short video-summary of the Pope's Urbi et orbi blessing from 27 March, for a world suffering from the coronavirus pandemic.

Link:  In one minute: Pope's Urbi et orbi for an end to the coronavirus pandemic

This beautiful version of Amazing Grace was sung by Andrea Bocelli on Easter Sunday as part of his music for hope concert in Milan.



Marie Fitzpatrick

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