Wednesday, August 26, 2020

STM Newsletter for Wednesday, August 26, 2020

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August 26, 2020

Dear STM Families, 

We are now well settled into our second week for the new school year. This week, we commence our enrichment classes with our new PE teacher, Ms. Torres, music teacher, Mrs. Navarro, and Mandarin teacher, Ms. Zhang.  

Star testing schedules are currently being finalized. Teachers will distribute STAR student login information and a schedule of testing dates and times shortly. Further information is available below. 

STAR Testing Parent Information

San Francisco is still on the watchlist, so it is very doubtful that we will be returning to campus on September 8 as originally scheduled. Once I receive official confirmation from the department of Catholic schools, I will share that information with you. You may also have heard that the San Francisco Department of Public Health is considering allowing some schools to apply for waivers to re-open even if we remain on the watchlist. There are many factors to be considered when applying for a waiver. These include consensus from at least 70% of teachers in grades TK-6 grade, and 70% of parents. Grades 7-8 are not included in this process. I have not yet received the results of the Archdiocesan parent survey that was shared with you about two weeks ago. Other considerations include the availability of regular monthly testing for all teachers and staff. Schools must utilize a COVID-19 testing vendor that offers testing results within 72 hours. Here is a copy of a letter dated 8/20 from mayor London Breed outlining the waiver program. A letter of intent was sent to the SFDPH by the Department of Catholic Schools on behalf of schools interested or undecided in applying for a waiver. St. Thomas More School falls in the undecided category. 

(Grades 5-8)

The PowerSchool Parent Portal is open this week and will remain open throughout the school year with the exception of the last week of each trimester. For more information, visit our PowerSchool Parent Portal information page
As always, the faculty and staff of St. Thomas More School appreciates all of the support and encouragement you, our parent community, have been provided us. Together, our work will continue to empower our students and contribute to a positive learning environment and experience for our children. 


Marie Fitzpatrick

A Lawyer's Prayer to St. Thomas More*

I pray, for the glory of God and in the pursuit of His justice, that I, with You, St. Thomas More, may be trustworthy with confidences, keen in study, accurate in analysis, correct in conclusion, able in argument, loyal to clients, honest with all, courteous to adversaries, ever attentive to conscience. Sit with me at my desk and listen with me to my clients' tales. Read with me in my library and stand always beside me so that today I shall not, to win a point, lose my soul.

Pray for me, and with me, that my family may find in me what Your family found in You: friendship and courage, cheerfulness and charity, diligence in duties, counsel in adversity, patience in pain—their good servant, but God's first. Amen.

*Used with permission. © Center for Thomas More Studies. Ecclesiastical approval, 2003, + B. Galveston, TX.

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