Wednesday, November 11, 2020

STM Newsletter for November 11, 2020

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November 11, 2020

Dear STM Community,

Our school staff and faculty have worked extremely hard over the past months to reopen our school, putting many plans in place to mitigate the spread of infection, and under strict guidelines from the San Francisco Department of Public Health. We appreciate the cooperation of all students and families with following procedures, wearing masks at all times, maintaining social distance and washing and sanitizing hands regularly. Acting responsibly is helping protect our STM community and we need to continue to be extremely vigilant. Keeping children home when they are sick as well as following city guidelines for returning to school may be cumbersome, but they ensure the safety of all. 

Unfortunately, California, like many other states, has shown a significant increase in Covid 19 case rates in the past few weeks. We cannot take this information lightly. Nonessential travel is not recommended, even during the holidays. It is strongly recommended that you and your family self-quarantine for 14 days if your travel or holiday plans put you at higher risk of exposure to the virus. 

Please read these new directives from San Francisco's Mayor and the SFDPH:

  1. SF to roll back select activities in response to increase in COVID-19 cases 

  2. Advisory for Traveling during COVID-19 November 9, 2020


Monday, Nov. 9-Wednesday, Nov. 18
Q2 STAR Testing 

Friday, Nov. 13 - End of Trimester 1

Monday, Nov. 16
Grades 6-8 In-person students return to campus

Wednesday, Nov. 18
Wednesday Walk-Through/New Parent Meeting 6 pm

Friday, Nov. 20
T1 Report Cards and Q2 STAR Parent Reports distributed

Monday, Nov. 23 and Tuesday, Nov. 24
TK-8 Distance Learning Days
Minimum Days - 12:15/12:30 pm

Wednesday, Nov. 25-Friday, Nov. 27
Thanksgiving Holiday - school closed


Next week, November 16,  we welcome 7 and 8 graders back to campus. At that point, we will have approximately 60% of students back for in-person school. The remainder of our students will continue with distance learning for the foreseeable future. Please know that you may contact us at any time to change from one option to another. We are happy to facilitate changes but we are following the city mandate of keeping cohorts stable for a minimum of three weeks.


It is extremely important that students are picked up from campus according to the dismissal schedule in place. With the pandemic, we have limited options available to assist with students not picked up in the given time slot. They cannot attend Extended Care as that is no longer a drop-in option. 

Dismissal Schedule



Late Fees begin

2:30-2:45 pm     

TK-2 and older siblings     

2:45 pm

2:45-2:55 pm

3-6, and older siblings

2:55 pm 

3:00-3:10 pm


3:10 pm

Beginning Monday, November 16, the following fees will be put in place for students not picked up during the allotted time-slot. These fees will be charged to your FACTS account.

1st violation: $25 plus $1 per minute 

2nd violation: $50 plus $1 per minute

3rd violation: Student has the option of signing up for full time Extended Care or returning to full-time distance learning.

STM 29th Annual Cioppino Dinner 

Save the date: Saturday, February 27, 2021 

We are doing things, a little differently this year - Cioppino On The Go! More information to come.

Until then…Remember how much fun you had buying baskets at Cioppino?

Or wishing you had been there when you saw the great items your friends brought home?

Cioppino Christmas Baskets are now here! Do your Christmas shopping early and help our school at the same time.Order a beautiful gift basket custom made by the Cioppino Committee and delivered to you in time for Christmas.

View and purchase Christmas baskets here

Only $25.00 per basket! 

Basket orders must be placed by December 1st.

Christmas Basket questions: Linda Shah (alumni) or Trilce Farrugia (3nd & 8th Grade)

Interested in joining the Cioppino Committee or volunteering contact Angelina Lee (Kindergarten)

Don't forget to save the date for Cioppino On The Go!



Our event was a success! Everyone enjoyed the music videos starring the teachers.

Our bingo winners were: Mason P, Gianna F., Isabella L., David H., Raiden K., Samantha LG & Stephanie V. Bingo winners each won a Target gift card. We also had a bonus raffle at the end of bingo. The winner of our raffle was Mason P. He won a gift certificate to Park Tavern restaurant.

Virtual Bingo photos
Contact Nancy Cottura at if you have any questions. 


Today, November 11, as we observe Veteran's Day let's give a grateful prayer for all who have served our nation. We would not have the opportunities and freedom that we enjoy today without their selfless service and sacrifice. 

A Prayer for Our Veterans

Loving God, We ask for blessings on all those who have served their country in the armed forces. We ask for healing for the Veterans who have been wounded, in body and soul, in conflicts around the globe. We pray especially for the young men and women, in the thousands, who are coming home with injured bodies and traumatized spirits. Bring solace to them, O Lord; may we pray for them when they cannot pray. We ask for, echoing John Paul II, an end to wars and the dawning of a new era of peace, as a way to honor all the veterans of past wars. 

Have mercy on all our Veterans. Bring peace to their hearts and peace to the regions they fought in. Bless all the soldiers who served in non-combative posts; May their calling to service continue in their lives in many positive ways.

Best wishes,


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