Tuesday, November 24, 2020

STM Newsletter for November 24, 2020 - Thanksgiving Edition

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November 24, 2020

Dear STM School Community,

We are all looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday and despite the challenges of the pandemic we have much for which we are thankful. However, the holidays also bring challenges and a strong desire to be with family and friends at this time. 

Whatever your plans are, we urge you to be considerate of others and not have your child return to school if you have mixed with others outside of your normal "bubble" or if you travel during this time. We each have a personal responsibility to quarantine if we have been exposed to someone who may have the virus. Quarantine helps prevent the spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without feeling symptoms.

According to the Travel guidelines issued on November 17th from the San Francisco Department of Public Health, "COVID-19 is spreading rapidly in many parts of the country. Nonessential travel, including holiday travel, is not recommended. Travel outside the Bay Area will increase your chance of getting infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, and spreading it to others after your return. Additional precautions should also be taken when hosting and interacting with people traveling to the Bay Area, especially from other areas with widespread COVID-19. Many people with COVID-19 have no symptoms." I am attaching again the latest guidelines and urge you to follow the recommendations.

San Francisco: COVID Travel Advisory


Yesterday, TK parents were advised that a student in the classroom had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. That student will quarantine for 14 days after the last exposure and will need to stay home until they are safe to come back to school. The student is awaiting testing but scheduling an appointment is difficult at this time given the major uptick in cases in the Bay Area. 

After consultation with the San Francisco Department of Public Health and following guidelines from the CDC, we have made the decision to close the TK classroom until December 7. 

The Kindergarten through 8th-grade classrooms will stay open and your children can still return to school after Thanksgiving break if you believe it is safe. We will update you if anything changes. 

If any member of your household is showing symptoms, even if they are mild, please keep your child at home until you have been tested. Please keep monitoring your child for symptoms and have them stay home if they are sick or show any symptoms. Please contact your healthcare provider for any other questions. This link may be helpful in knowing what symptoms you should check Parents and Guardians: COVID-19 Health Checks.

Santa's Secret Shop!

Holiday Online Shoppe!

This year our Parents' Club had hoped to offer in-person shopping to students on campus in addition to the Holiday Online Shoppe for students to purchase gifts for family and friends. However, in light of the rapid increase of positive COVID-19 cases in the Bay Area, we are revising that plan. All students will have the opportunity to shop online, beginning next Monday, November 30. Watch for more details and begin to prepare these shopping lists!

Thank you for all you do to keep our school and community safe.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Marie Fitzpatrick

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