During this holiday break, it is important to remember that anytime different households gather and mix indoors or if there is any travel, people are at higher risk for exposure to, and infection with, COVID-19. As an added layer of safety for our St. Thomas More School community, proactive testing before returning to school on January 3, can prevent classroom exposures, outbreaks and unnecessary missed days from school for students. SFDPH recommends that all students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, get tested for COVID-19 1-2 days prior to return to school, even if they are asymptomatic. The test can be done with a home test, or a PCR or rapid antigen from a clinic or testing site. If traveling out of town, SFDPH also recommends testing 3-5 days after returning from travel as per CDC/CDPH guidelines, so depending on when your family returns from travel, testing twice might be a good idea. For example, if your family returns from travel on the Sunday before school starts, it would be a good idea to test once on that Sunday as well as test once again sometime during the following Wednesday through Friday. If your student tests positive, please notify us immediately and follow SFDPH isolation and quarantine guidelines. |