| |  Dear Families, As we move into the last few weeks of this school year we have much to look forward to and lots to fit into this busy time of the year. Hopefully, this beautiful weather continues for our Spring Festival this coming Saturday. May 14, 2022. We look forward to gathering together as a community to celebrate with each other, and to enjoy the many food and refreshment offerings. Many fun activities are planned for our students. | | Monday, May 16, is our Strategic Planning meeting and dinner from 6-8pm. If you are interested in serving on this committee please contact me directly so you can be added to the list of attendees. Perhaps you would like to serve on the Parents' Club for next school year. Consider completing the attached nomination sheet for yourself or a friend. | | | CALENDAR Friday, May 13 Jiten Daiko Assembly Saturday, May 14 Spring Festival 11 am-7 pm Wednesday, May 18 TK and Grade 2 Academy of Sciences Field Trip Thursday, May 19 Grades 4-6 Linda Mar Beach Field Trip Monday, May 23 Minimum Day 12:15/12:30 dismissal Monday, May 30 Memorial Day - School Holiday | | | | SPELLING BEE 2022 We are very proud of all of our 2022 Spelling Bee contestants! Congratulations to our Spelling Bee winners! 1st Place - Steven in Grade 6 2nd Place - Isa in Grade 8 3rd Place - Dominic in Grade 6 | | Please help us by completing this survey CATHOLIC IDENTITY SURVEY Due by: Friday, May 13, 2022 So far we received 27 responses to our survey. This Catholic Identity Assessment Guide incorporates a vision of the Catholic character of the school within an assessment and review process designed to identify strengths and target areas for growth. The focus of this assessment process is to build on the strengths within the school while affirming and encouraging efforts to live out the Catholic character in all aspects of the school's life. | | | 2022-2023 SCHOOL CALENDAR Here is the 2022-2023 school calendar that has officially been approved by the Department of Catholic Schools. First Day of School: Thursday, August 18, 2022 Last Day of School: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 | | | PARENTS' CLUB NOMINATIONS The Parents' Club is seeking interested parents to take a leadership position as part of the 2022-2023 Parents' Club. We hope you will consider yourself an interested candidate, or if you know of someone else who should be considered, please write that name next to the position you feel appropriate. Your suggestions do not obligate these parents in any way, but only assist us in the selection. We will continue to accept nominations through the end of next week. | | | SPRING FESTIVAL Saturday, May 14, 2022 Come One, Come All To a spectacular Spring Festival Celebration! Make sure to save the date for a full day of food, music, and games. PRE-ORDER DEADLINE: Thursday, May 12, 2022 NEW ITEMS FOR PRE-ORDER Wristbands for Obstacle Course and Laser Tag The presale price for wristbands is $20. Purchasing on the day of will increase to $25. Ticket Pre-order Form: | | | VOLUNTEERS NEEDED This is your last opportunity to earn parent hours for this school year. Below is a sign up genius link for Saturday, May 14, 2022 Spring Festival. There are over 89 shifts available to sign up for, with no limit to earn hours. | | | SPRING FESTIVAL CALL FOR DONATIONS! Please help our STM Bar by donating wine and liquor. Drop off your donations directly to the office by Friday, May 13, 2022. You will receive a maximum of 2 hours earned for your donation. We appreciate your generosity! | 1-HOUR | 2-HOURS | Jameson Irish Whiskey | 750ml bottle | 1L bottle | Hornitos Plata Tequila | 750ml bottle | 1L bottle | Red or White Wine** | 1 bottle | 2 bottles | **Bottle must be at least 750ml and cost more than $15.00 In order for us to accurately give credit for your hours, we need you to drop-off your donation at the school front office and closely follow the instructions below: - Please DO NOT leave unpacked bottles at the school office. Instead, please drop-off your donation INSIDE A BAG.
- Please either staple a note on the outside of the bag or just put a note inside the bag with the following: Student's FULL NAME and grade.
- Please drop off your donation NO LATER THAN May 13, 2022.
IF YOUR FAMILY FEEL LIKE DONATING MORE THAN WHAT IS ALLOWED FOR THE 2-HOUR MAXIMUM, PLEASE DO SO. WE KINDLY APPRECIATE YOUR GENEROSITY. IF YOUR FAMILY HAS ALREADY FULFILLED THE VOLUNTEER HOURS FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR, BUT WOULD LIKE TO DONATE ANY OF THE ITEMS ABOVE, PLEASE DO SO. WE KINDLY APPRECIATE YOUR GENEROSITY. | | | | 8th grade made storybooks about memories with their buddies this year | | SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL PREPARATORY SUMMER INSTITUTE  | | | SIMPLY UNIFORMS As we prepare for the end of this school year and the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, we below are three PDFs for your distribution. - Pricelist, Effective June 1, 2022
- Our summer letter, with special dates and hours for the back-to-school season
- Our 15% Early Bird summer sale flyer, which begins on June 15th, 2022.
If you have any questions, feel free to let us know. Our website https://www.simplyuniformscolma.com/ has our most up-to-date operational information, and the new price lists will go live closer to June 1st. On the website, you can find their price lists and sizing guides and find the best ways to contact us and place an order in advance. Due to the current situation with supply chain issues, we recommend that parents shop as early as possible.  | | | DENNIS UNIFORM  | | | | Marie Fitzpatrick Principal | | | | | | |