Wednesday, May 1, 2019

STM Newsletter for May 1, 2019

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Dear Parents,

During the Month of May, a month both named for and dedicated to Mary, our blessed mother, Catholics have long honored Mary by placing a crown on her image. The tradition in the United States and many other countries has been for school children to have a "May Crowning" ceremony, with a procession, pretty dresses and a wreath of fresh flowers that are placed on the statue. Thank you to those who joined us at this morning's assembly for the crowning of a statue of Mary which was presented by 8th grade.

As we move through the Easter season, please continue to encourage your children to fill their Lenten envelopes so that the MCA missionaries can continue their good work in the world. Please send these envelopes into the office by May 15.
When: Friday, May 10
Time: 5:00pm
Where: STM Church
When: Saturday, May 11
Time: 10:00am
Where: STM Church
Yearbooks are going home today to those who pre-purchased. If you didn't order a yearbook, it's not too late. To purchase and customize your yearbook:
1. Go to
2. Enter STM's passcode: 1015250322084584
The committee is holding a preliminary meeting for next year's Cioppino. Please feel free to join them and share your ideas on Tuesday, May 7, in the library at 6:30pm.
Parents of current 6th grade students need to submit evidence that their child has received their Tdap shot before August 9, 2019. Students without this on file will not be able to begin the 19-20 school year.
Have you completed your required Parents' Club hours? If not, there's another opportunity coming up. Click here to sign up to volunteer for the upcoming Trivia Finals on May 4.

The fees for Extended Care have remained at $5 per hour for the past three academic years. As many of you are aware, the City of San Francisco has increased the minimum wage 20% in those three years. Accordingly, Extended Care will raise its fees to $6 per hour upon our return to school in August 2019.

Funds from our Scrip requirement are used to directly fund our PE and Music programs. We budget this income to cover most of the costs of these valuable programs. We are grateful to all of the families who have completed this requirement for the 2018-2019 school year. As of today, May 1, any scrip purchases will be credited to the 2019-2020 school year. All families will be notified next week as to whether or not they have fulfilled this requirement. Balances owed will be billed to your FACTS account shortly thereafter.

Marie Fitzpatrick
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