Wednesday, September 9, 2020

STM Newsletter for Wednesday, September 9, 2020

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Our sixth-grade students created their own virtual prayer spaces and were tasked to include various holy items and prayers, while still keeping the space personal and comfortable to them.

September 9, 2020

Dear Parents, 

Thomas Fuller, an English preacher, and scholar who lived in the 1600's is reputed to be the first person to declare "it is always darkest before the dawn". Our dark skies today serve to bring that thought to mind. However, it also gives us hope for a brighter future, clearer skies, the end to Covid-19, the development of a vaccine, and the return to a more normal way of life. Pope Francis reminds us often that we need to remain "full of hope". His advice to all people was that "prayer leads us forward in hope". Let us continue to make prayer a central part of our family lives. Use these times that we are spending a lot of time together as a family to strengthen our prayer life and focus on hope for a brighter future.

School Reopening Plans

Last week we shared information with you that schools in San Francisco would be allowed to reopen if the county remained in the red tier for at least 14 days. While that is technically true, the reopening process is much more complicated than first thought. A meeting last Friday, between Catholic school principals and the San Francisco Department of Health, brought further clarity to the process. The new protocols require that each individual school apply for reopening and submit a lengthy "Return to School Plan", similar to the one submitted in July. Once the plan is submitted, it will go through a desk audit. If approved, a team from the health department will conduct an onsite visit. Only schools scoring 98% or above will be allowed to open. 

The SFDPH strongly recommends that we stagger the reopening, beginning with grades TK-2, followed a few weeks later by grades 3-6. There is no process in place yet for getting 7 and 8 graders back on campus but that will be on the next part of the plan. The reopening plan will have provisions to accommodate these students who don't feel comfortable returning to school, even when permission is granted to reopen. The process will take several weeks to complete so we will definitely not be asking to reopen for any students before October 5th, 2020.

If we are given permission to reopen, we will ask you again to decide on whether to have your child return to school or continue with distance learning. Under discussion again, in light of current recommendations, are the number of days per week we will be open and the length of the school day. Some schools are opting to begin with a shorter day, eg. 8am-1pm in order to eliminate the necessity for eating lunch on campus. 

To that end, we are asking you to complete another short survey to gauge your thoughts at this time. Much has changed since the last survey in early August. While we know that not all students will return to campus when we first reopen, we believe that it is important for our families that we move forward with a reopening plan. To put an effective plan in place, I first need to have support from you, our parent community. I appreciate your input and the short turnaround time given to complete this survey. Please complete this survey by Monday, September 14, 2020.


LINK: Protocol for Reopening Schools Survey

By the end of this week, all students will have concluded their Star testing in the areas of Math and Language Arts. We appreciate all your support in getting this completed at home. Data obtained from these assessments will give us a baseline to work from as we track each student's growth throughout the school year. The results will be shared with you during the week of September 21st. These, along with your parent conference, scheduled for the week of October 5th, will give you an accurate reflection of your child's progress to date.


STAR Testing Q1 
Monday, August 31-Friday, September 18

Tuesday, September 15
Sacred Heart virtual visit with Grades 7-8 at 2 pm

Tuesday, September 22
Serra High School virtual visit with Grades 7-8 at 2 pm 

Thursday, September 24
Riordan virtual visit with Grades 7-8 at 2 pm

School Parents and Students
Asbestos Notification Letter

Please read the School Parents and Students Asbestos Notification by clicking the link below and complete the acknowledgment form by Friday, September 18, 2020.

Complete one form per family. 

LINK: School Parents and Students Asbestos Notification Letter

Yearbook Order

Purchase your Yearbook by September 30th to get 10% off

Go to and enter our school's passcode: 1015250322084584

Support our school by checking out with our school's Amazon Smile link below:

Act of Hope

O Lord God,

I hope by your grace for the pardon
of all my sins
and after life here to gain eternal happiness
because you have promised it
who are infinitely powerful, faithful, kind,
and merciful.
In this hope I intend to live and die.


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