| | CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR SCHOOL BAND! Second Place Award   Joshua Frye, our Band Director, brought together students from the Catholic schools where he teaches to march in last Saturday's St. Patrick's Day Parade. We are delighted, and so proud, to announce that the band placed 2nd overall. A big shout out to Mr. Frye for bringing such a successful program to our school! The band will perform for our student body at Thursday's celebrations at school. | | | March 9, 2022 Dear Families, Below are the updates for this week: - Below are the updates for this week:
- 2022-2023 Re-registration
- Absentee Reminders
- Calendar
- 30th Annual Cioppino
- St. Patrick's Day Bake Sale
- St. Patrick's Day Assembly
- Peach Walk for Ukraine
- Talent Show
- Nothing Bundt Cake Fundraiser
- Read-a-thon
- Spring Festival
- COVID Notifications
| | 2022-2023 STM RE-REGISTRATION RETURNING STUDENTS All current TK-7 STM students will be automatically re-registered for the 2022-2023 school year. Please make sure your FACTS account is up to date. The re-registration fee of $450 will be billed to your FACTS account on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. Re-registration fee is due by Friday, April 15, 2022 STUDENTS NOT RETURNING Please complete the following form by Friday, March 18, 2022 if your child is NOT returning for the 2022-2023 school year. Contact our office at office@stmsf.org if you have any questions. | | | ABSENTEE NOTIFICATIONS AND REMINDERS Please complete the absentee form if your child is absent. This form is the most efficient way to notify the office and classroom teachers of your child's absence. The form is located under the Contact Us tab on the school website. If your child is sick and has any of the symptoms listed on the SFDPH Parent Guide, please send an email to health@stmsf.org with a photo of your child's negative COVID test before they return to school. | | | CALENDAR Wednesday, March 16 - Free dress fundraiser for people of Ukraine. We raised a total of $1,226.30. Funds will go to https://novaukraine.org
- Academic Chess 3:05-4:05 pm in Grade 3
Thursday, March 17 - Green accessories encouraged
- Bake Sale in aid of WORLD CENTRAL KITCHEN for Ukraine, https://wck.org/
- St. Patrick's Day Assembly 1:15 pm
Friday, March 18 - Peace march and rally on Brotherhood Way, 12:30pm
- Nothing Bundt Cake Fundraiser Pickup beginning at 1:30 pm
| | |  30TH ANNUAL CIOPPINO DINNER Saturday, March 26, 2022 Join us for a special evening of food, drinks and music and see why this event is a sell-out every year! ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW! OR | | | | ST. PATRICK'S DAY BAKE SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2022 at both recesses Our student council has organized a Bake Sale in aid of the people of Ukraine. World Central Kitchen, https://wck.org/ provides food for humanitarian relief as needed in different parts of th eWorld. | | | ST. PATRICK'S DAY ASSEMBLY In honor of St. Patrick, one of the patron saints of Ireland, and to recognize the rich culture and traditions of Ireland, students will be sharing a selection of Irish songs and dance on Thursday afternoon. Visit our school website to watch the livestream. | | PEACE WALK FOR UKRAINE Friday, March 18, 2022, 12:30pm Students in grades 4-8 will march from St. Thomas More School, over the footbridge and down to the Bufano Peace Statue on Brotherhood Way. There we will assemble with students from other schools on Brotherhood Way. Students will lead us in prayer and thoughtful reflection. Students in grades TK-3 will march around our schoolyard with the banners they have prepared and pray together for peace. | | | TALENT SHOW  |  | Auditions for the 2022 Talent Show will be next week during lunch time. Wednesday, March 16 - Grades 4-5 Thursday, March 17 - Grades 6-8 The Talent Show will be on Friday, April 1, 2022. | | | | | Thank you families and the Parents' Club Committee for supporting our Nothing Bundt Cake Fundraiser! The fundraiser was a big success, raising a little over $1,000! Pick Up Date: Friday, March 18, 2022 | | STM READ-A-THON March 21-March 28 | | | | Come One, Come All To a spectacular Spring Festival Celebration! Make sure to save the date for a full day of food, music, and games. Look out for more details in the coming weeks. | | Happy St. Patrick's Day! Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit! Marie Fitzpatrick Principal | | | | | | |