| |   March 2, 2022 Dear Families, Today, Ash Wednesday, begins our 40 day journey on the road to Easter. Students have been doing activities to prepare for Lent and today received ashes. Over the next 40 days students have many opportunities to reflect on the true meaning of Lent and how they can apply it in their own lives. They will try to become closer to God by completing acts of kindness, praying and fasting. Please take this opportunity to develop a shared plan with your children to make this year's lenter observation meaningful for all. The following words from Pope Francis give us another perspective on fasting that we may not be familiar with in the traditional sense of fasting.  | | I am sure that you are excited to hear the recent announcements from the CDC regarding indoor masking. Currently we are awaiting more information from our local health departments before making any major changes here at school. We will let you know as soon as a decision has been made. Meanwhile, some students are enjoying going without masks outdoors, others continue to want to wear their masks outdoors except when eating. Below are the updates for this week: - Calendar
- Science in Action
- Maintenance Fee Reminder
- STM Financial Aid
- Dr. Seuss Day
- Nothing Bundt Cake Fundraiser
- Academic Chess
- Grades 3-5 Mexican Dance Troupe Program
- St. Anne Summer School
- Archbishop Riordan High School Summer Program
- 30th Annual Cioppino
- COVID Notifications
| | CALENDAR Thursday, March 3 Parents' Club Meeting, 7 pm Friday, March 4 Last day to order Nothing Bundt Cake Monday, March 7 Grades 3-5 Mexican Dance Troupe Program begins Friday, March 11 Archdiocesan Professional Development Day - Student Holiday Monday, March 14 Local Holiday | | | SCIENCE IN ACTION As part of the Waves of Sound Unit, our fourth graders engaged in a Mystery Science experiment to find out what would happen if you screamed in outer space. | | | MAINTENANCE FEE The annual maintenance fee of $500 will be posted to FACTS accounts on Oct. 1, 2021 was due yesterday, March 1, 2022. | | | STM FINANCIAL AID THE CARL and CELIA GELLERT FOUNDATION FUND at STM was established in 2022 with a generous grant from the Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation. The purpose of the Fund is to provide financial aid to families in need who wish to have a Catholic education for their children. If you wish to apply please complete this application form, along with the TADS application form, (mytads.com) by 4/15/22 to be considered. Grants will be awarded based on the information received from TADS. | | | DR. SEUSS DAY Today, March 2, Our eighth graders and their Kindergarten buddies celebrated Dr. Seuss Day by sharing many of Dr. Seuss's famous children's books on a bright sunny morning at STM. | | | ACADEMIC CHESS  Academic Chess will offer 10 weeks of after school chess classes from Wednesday, March 16 to May 25, 2022. This will be open to all ages and will run from 3:05-4:05 pm. LAST DAY TO REGISTER: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 ~~~~ | | | GRADES 3-5 MEXICAN DANCE TROUPE PROGRAM Our students really enjoyed the recent assembly with the Mexican Dance Troupe. So much so that we have engaged them to offer a five week residency program to our students in 3-5. This program will begin on Monday, March 7, and will be offered as part of the regular curriculum. | | | ST. ANNE SUMMER SCHOOL 2022 "Our Life-giving Rainforests" St. Anne School is offering a summer program for students entering kindergarten through sixth grade. This year's four-week program will begin June 13 and end July 8. The academic program will review and emphasize basic skill development in language arts, math, and science. This summer program is intended to enrich as well as support skills students have been or will be working on in school. A variety of activities and approaches to learning will be used to keep the learning exciting. For more information, see the flyer and application below. | | | All program options this summer will be held from June 13 to July 22. Sessions will be offered in two week increments. See below for exact dates. Session 1: June 13 - June 24 Session 2: June 27 - July 8 Session 3: July 11 - July 22 For rising students in Grades K - 4, we offer Camp Crusader, which is our historically fun traditional summer camp. Camp Crusader is an all day experience that runs from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The Full Day Camp Crusader cost is $2,000 per two-week session and includes full day activities, lunch, a camp shirt, and more. For rising students in Grades 5 - 8, we offer Summer Programs, which offer an array of Academic Classes, Enrichment Courses, and Athletic Camps. All program offerings run at different times of the day, making it easy for students to experience summer at Riordan the way they want to! | | |  30TH ANNUAL CIOPPINO DINNER Saturday, March 26, 2022 Join us for a special evening of food, drinks and music and see why this event is a sell-out every year! ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW! OR | | | COVID NOTIFICATIONS There were no COVID general notifications for this week. | | | Blessings of the lenten season, Marie Fitzpatrick Principal | | | | | | |