FROM THE PARENTS' CLUB The PC Board sent out a survey February 2018 regarding increasing parent volunteer hours and the non-contributing fees. As a result, many families don't mind the volunteer hour increase. Other schools have 30+ hours and similar events. Next year, 2019-20, the Volunteer Hours will be increased to 15 hours. Our goal is to make sure all events have sufficient volunteers. There have been slots available and individuals stating there aren't enough events to sign up for. We cannot do this alone. We look forward to working towards our continued success. If you have any questions/concerns we'll be glad to work with you. Please contact us at Thanks for volunteering!!!! MANDATORY PARENT MEETING We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, March 5 for a mandatory parent meeting for all families of TK/Kindergarten through 8th grade. This is a mandatory meeting for all parents. At least one parent from each family is required to attend. Please click HERE to make a reservation for childcare. Doors open at 6:00pm for hospitality and light refreshments. We will begin the meeting in the gym promptly at 6:45pm. Be on time for your chance to win one of two free re-registration fees (a winning 8th grade parent will have their graduation fees waived)! WCEA ACCREDITATION VISIT You may notice some extra people around the school next week. They are the WASC/WCEA Accreditation team and will be with us next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If you see members of the team around during their visit, please give them a warm STM welcome. The team members are: Bruce Stewart (chairperson), Junipero Serra School, Carmel-by-the-Sea; Megan Armando, St. Charles School, San Carlos; Anne Barsi, St. Gregory School, San Mateo; Barbara Kane, Our Lady of Loretto School, Novato; and Sr. Kathryn Keenan, SNDdeN, Notre Dame Elementary School, Belmont; Nicole Kelly, St. Brigid School, San Francisco; Laura Roach, St. Anselm School, St. Anselmo; Janel Worley, St. Matthew School, San Mateo; and Zoe Zebarte, Ecole Notre Dame Des Victoires, San Francisco. Sincerely, Marie Fitzpatrick Principal |