| | School Pictures, Pick-Up, and TK-2 Cart Drop-Off Days 10/13/2020 and 10/14/2020 | | | #1 School Photos School pictures are scheduled for Tuesday, October 13 and Wednesday, October 14, 2020. Students must be in full school uniform in accordance to school regulations. Please review the updated uniform regulations. Email your child's teacher and/or office@stmsf.org if you have any questions. Please carefully review the following before Picture Day. | | | #2 Pick-Up in Classroom To minimize the number of people in the school building and maintain social distancing: - TK-2: A single parent or guardian will pick up items from the students' classroom.
- Grades 3-8: Only students will proceed to their classroom to pick up items.
Items to be Picked Up - Fun Run t-shirts and prizes
- Star Test Parent Report
- Teachers may have additional classwork for pick up
| | | #3 TK-2 Cart Drop-Off - Parents and guardians of students planning to return for in-school instruction on October 19 will drop off carts to the classrooms while your child is taking their school photo.
- Distance learning students may keep their carts at home.
- Teachers' aide will be meet you at the classroom door to assist you..
Itemized Cart List: - Carts should be labeled with the child's first and last name.
- Please avoid any further decorating.
- All supplies and personal items must be labeled clearly.
A. Top Shelf: - School supplies: pencils, crayons, scissors, glue and other supplies required by the teacher. These should be stored in several smaller containers such as a pencil box and be easily accessible to your child.
- Full size tissue box
- Hand Sanitizer, 12-20oz. We will refill these weekly.
- Small individual trash bags that can be disposed of daily.
B. Middle Shelf: - This will be kept for items that the teacher will ask the students to store here
C. Bottom Shelf: - Lunch box
- Water bottle
- Rolled up Sweaters and/or jackets or other clothing items
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