Wednesday, October 2, 2019

STM Newsletter for October 2, 2019

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Dear Friends,

Friday, October 4, is the Feast of St. Francis. As we mentioned last week, in honor of his feast day and his love of animals we will have an opportunity to have our pets blessed. Because of Friday's conference schedule, we will have our blessing on Tuesday, October 8th, directly after the 3:00pm dismissal in the schoolyard. You are welcome to bring your family pets, pictures of your pet, or anything else that represents your pet that you wish to have blessed. Sorry, we cannot accommodate your pets in the classroom during the day.


STM FUN RUN: GOAL $65,000!

We did it!! To date, our amazing students and families have raised over $69,000 and some last minute pledges continue to trickle in. Families still owing monies are receiving a notice today. To be considered for prizes, please send those remaining amounts in by tomorrow morning, Thursday, October 3. Families who chose not to participate or did not meet the $100 per child donation will be charged a buyout fee of $150 per child on Tuesday, October 15. These funds will be used to purchase a complete new science program based on NGSS standards for next school year. Adopting a new series and all the relevant resources, along with professional development for all teachers, will cost at least $10,000 per classroom.


Please join us on Sunday, October 20 for our next Family Mass. Thank you to our fourth grade families for taking the lead in this Mass beginning at 10:00am. See you there!

2019-2020 Monthly Calendar (Google)

Thursday, October 3, 2019 
Parents' Club Meeting , 7pm in the Library

Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Picture Retake Day
Blessing of the Animals, 3:00 pm in the Schoolyard

Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Grade 8, Day In Court Field Trip
Mock Trial begins, 4:00pm 

Monday, October 14, 2019
Columbus Day - School Holiday

Friday, October 18, 2019
Student Holiday - Archdiocesan Professional Development for all Catholic school teachers

Sunday, October 20, 2019
Family Mass led by Grade 4, STM Church, 10 am


The Brainy Bunch - Homework Club

Mock Trial

Students absent on the initial photo day will be photographed on Tuesday, October 8th. Parents unhappy with their child's photos can request a re-shoot online as long as it is 24 hrs before the re-shoot date. There is a small fee associated with this convenience.
  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Prepay Icon
  3. Click on Reshoot requests
  4. Click on the name of the school
  5. Follow the prompts


The initial billing for the year will be processed shortly through FACTS. In many cases, the bills will appear to be much higher than prior year. First, please recall that the rate this year was increased to $6 per hour. But, more importantly, this first billing represent the last two weeks in August as well as all of September. Future billings will be monthly and should be smaller for most families if usage of Extended Care remains about the same. 

Our STM Parents Club is the fund-raising and fun-raising arm of our school. You are all members of that Club and you support and involvement are vital to the success of all events. Please check out the flyers included for two major upcoming events. Our Cioppino Fundraiser is scheduled for February 22, 2020. That committee, as well as our Donations committee, meets and works year round and is always in search of new volunteers. Let us know if you would like to be involved and we will connect you with the right person. Joining one of these committees is a great way to fulfill your required 15 hours of parent participation.
Our TK-8 Halloween parade, will begin at 11:00am in the schoolyard on Thursday, October 31. All are welcome to attend! When purchasing costumes for wearing to school for the parade, please consider the following: 
  • Age appropriate
  • Bathroom accessible
  • Makeup must be applied at home
  • Shoes must be comfortable for walking
  • No weapons of any kind
Also remember that Thursday, October 31 is a minimum day with a 12:15/12:30pm dismissal.

Time: 6:00pm
Location: Carroll Hall, STM

Click here to purchase tickets to this fun event!

We ask your help in encouraging prospective parents to consider St. Thomas More School for their child for the 2020-2021 school year. You, our current families, are our best advertising! Please invite friends and relatives interested in St. Thomas More School to come to one of our "Wednesday Walk-through" school tours for prospective parents. Click HERE to reserve a place on one of the tours listed below:
  • October 9, 23, 30      
  • November 6, 20
  • December 4

New student application forms Kindergarten, Transitional Kindergarten and grades 1st-8th for the 2020-2021 school year are now available in the front office and may also be completed online.

Utopia, our preschool, has begun accepting applications for the 2020-2021 school year. Please note that preschool spots fill up very fast. If you have a child who is of preschool age (3 years old by September 1st) and you would like them to attend Utopia next Fall, please arrange a tour with Utopia's Director, Rachelle Frantz,


Please remember to reserve the night of Wednesday, December 18, for the St. Thomas More School Christmas Program. All students will be involved in this production. As we do each year, we look forward to your attendance for this faith-filled and fun-filled program.

PowerSchool Parent Portal for 6-8 grades will be open until Sunday, October 6th. Parent login information was distributed in last week's Wednesday envelope. Email, Mrs. Wong, our technology coordinator at if you have questions about the portal.

Marie Fitzpatrick
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