| | Dear Parents, When you think of Halloween, what comes to mind? For a lot of people, Halloween has become synonymous with candy, costumes, scary stuff, and pumpkins. But do you know the religious connection to the holiday? The word, Halloween, itself is a contraction of "Hallowed evening." Hallowed is an old English word for "holy" — as in "Hallowed be Thy Name", in the Lord's Prayer. All Saints Day, celebrated on November 1, is the day on which Catholics celebrate all the saints, known and unknown. The vigil or eve of this feast, October 31, is Halloween. The purpose of Halloween is to prepare us for All Saints Day by remembering and celebrating those saints. All Saints Day, Friday, November 1, is a holy day of obligation. Please consider joining us this week when we will be celebrating this special feast day by attending the 8:30am Mass. Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is celebrated in many parts of the United States, particularly where there are large Latin American communities. Day of the Dead events, which come in the form of festivals, parades and group celebrations, are held on November 1-2 to coincide with All Souls' Day and All Saints' Day. During these celebrations some people wear masks, carry signs, or put up elaborate decorations to honor the dead. Some community centers invite people to commemorate their deceased loved ones with ofrendas (offerings) through alters that include food, symbols, flowers, candles, photos and other mementos. Altars in memory of the dead are also made in people's homes. | | | FALL FESTIVAL/HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL What a fabulous time everyone had this past Saturday. The sun was shining, the food was delicious, and the children just had a tremendous day. A BIG thank you to the Chair of the Fall Festival, Michaela Munda, and her crew who has worked tirelessly to ensure everything ran so smoothly. Thank you also to the many volunteers for their countless hours in making this event such a great success. We are very appreciative for the many donations that were dropped off over the past few weeks. | | | STM HALLOWEEN PARADE Our TK-8 Halloween parade, will begin at 11:00am in the schoolyard on Thursday, October 31. All are welcome to attend! When purchasing costumes for wearing to school for the parade, please consider the following: - Age appropriate
- Bathroom accessible
- Makeup must be applied at home
- Shoes must be comfortable for walking
- No weapons of any kind
Also remember that Thursday, October 31 is a minimum day with a 12:15/12:30pm dismissal. | | Saturday, November 2 - Bingo Sunday, November 3 - Daylight Savings: Don't forget to get up early and set your clocks back at 2:00 am Thursday, November 7 - Parents' Club Meeting 7:00 pm in the Library Monday, November 11 - Veterans' Day - School Holiday Sunday, November 17 FAMILY MASS: Please join us on Sunday, November 17 for our next Family Mass. Thank you to our fifth grade families for taking the lead in this Mass beginning at 10:00 a.m. See you there! Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26 Minimum Days 12:15/12:30 dismissal Extended Care will be available. Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29 Thanksgiving Holiday - School closed School will resume on Monday, December 2. | | | SCHOOL TOURS Please share this link to sign up for a tour with family and friends considering TK/Kindergarten for the next school year. Below are the next tour dates. - November 6, 20
- December 4
APPLICATION FORMS New student application forms Kindergarten, Transitional Kindergarten and grades 1st-8th for the 2020-2021 school year are available from the front office and may also be completed online. 2020-2021 PRESCHOOL APPLICATIONS Utopia, our preschool, has begun accepting applications for the 2020-2021 school year. If you have a child who is of preschool age (3 years old by September 1st) and you would like them to attend Utopia next Fall, please arrange a tour with Utopia's Director, Rachelle Frantz, rfrantz@stmsf.org. | | | DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP Although your children's activities continue to change, what kids need most from their parents remains the same. Being involved and engaged is the key to helping kids learn to use smart judgment, make informed choices, and develop a sense of responsibility in life. Common Sense Media has some good insights and suggestions for you. Visit Common Sense Media's article, "Tweens, Teens, and Phones: What Our 2019 Research Reveal." | | | SAVE THE DATE! DECEMBER 8 - FAMILY MASS, PANCAKE BREAKFAST and HOLIDAY FAIR We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday, December 8. We will begin the day with a 10:00am Family Mass where we will present all our Confirmation and First Communion candidates. Following the Mass, join us for the Holiday Fair and Pancake Breakfast in the gym. They will also offer pictures with Santa. | | | Dr. Colorado, our school counselor, begins maternity leave next week. We wish her and her family the best! Happy Halloween! Sincerely, Marie Fitzpatrick Principal | | "If human beings had genuine courage, they'd wear costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween" - Douglas Coupland HAPPY HALLOWEEN! | | | | | | | |