Wednesday, May 27, 2020

STM Newsletter for Wednesday, May 27, 2020

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Congratulations, STM Class of 2020!

In a speech to a recent graduating class at Kent State University, Olivia Spencer said, "the best years are very much ahead of you. And they can be whatever you want them to be… As much as you've changed during your time here, more change is coming".

This Friday we say farewell to our amazing 8th grade students as they graduate from St. Thomas More School. We are so very proud of all their accomplishments and we are confident that a bright future awaits them. Some of them enrolled in Utopia Preschool and have been with us for eleven years, the majority entered Kindergarten in 2012, and a few others joined the class along the way. All have contributed to making the Class of 2020 one we will remember fondly for years to come. Their graduation is going to be a little different from what many of them imagined, but we will celebrate their many achievements in a variety of ways. We will begin the celebration with a virtual graduation on this coming Friday, May 29. We hope to be able to have an in-person graduation in August to present diplomas and awards.

Dear Parents, 

The question I am most often asked by you, our parents, is what our plans are for the Fall. First of all, let me reassure you, school will resume, as planned, on Tuesday, August 18th. What we don't know at this point is exactly what that will look like. We are praying that we can resume operations as normal, but that may not be the case. We are adhering to the guidelines issued by the CDC and are preparing several contingency plans to deal with various scenarios that may arise. It will probably be several more weeks before a final decision can be made. 

In the meantime, we will prepare and plan for the 2020-2021 school year by making the safety of our students, faculty and staff our highest priority. To contribute to our preparations for the upcoming school year, please complete the Assessing Academic Programming 2020-2021 Parent Survey by Monday, June 1, 2020. We appreciate your feedback in evaluating our distance learning program, student workload and potential schedules. We will also survey the students and the teachers for additional information. The data we receive will inform and guide us as we prepare for the 2020-2021school year.

Assessing Academic Programming Parent Survey


Friday, May 29
8th Graduation Zoom Day 
Finish Up/Flexible Friday - Virtual Field Trip Site

Wednesday, June 3 
Move Up Day - more details to come from homeroom teachers
Minimum Day - 12:15/12:30 dismissal

Thursday, June 4 - Minimum Day - 12:15/12:30 dismissal

Friday, June 5 - Minimum Day - 10:00 am dismissal

Attendance Link:

Check out our Parent Calendar for upcoming events and the 2020-2021 Calendar.

Introducing the Scholastic Summer Read-a-Palooza Virtual Book Fair, a great way to provide new books to students at home. Between now and September 4, families can browse and discover the characters, series, and collections kids love. Plus, your school will get 25% in Scholastic Dollars™.

We're having a Summer Read-a-Palooza Virtual Book Fair! You can support our school while discovering favorite characters, series, and collections all summer long. Orders are delivered right to your doorstep and you can take advantage of FREE shipping on book-only purchases over $25. 

Let's make this a summer to instill a love of reading!



Also check out Scholastic's free Learn At Home resources to keep your child learning through the summer. 


Treering congratulates St. Thomas More School on being a TreeRing Green Yearbook School! Since we sold 165 yearbooks, we'll be working with our partner, Trees for the Future, to plant that many trees in our school's name. 

It's not too late to order your yearbook. Visit and enter our school's passcode: 1015250322084584 and have your yearbook delivered directly to your home.

It was so wonderful to see our beautiful children as they dropped in to collect belongings today. We are extremely proud of our STM community; children, teachers, parents and the many other family and community members who have supported each other through this pandemic. You have proved to be resourceful, courageous and resilient and we look forward to working with you in the education of your children in future years.

Kindest regards,


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