SCHOOL CLOSURE UPDATES Yesterday, we notified parents of the mandated two week school closure of St. Thomas More and all San Francisco Archdiocesan schools. School will be closed Thursday, March 12 through Wednesday, March 25, 2020. School will resume on Thursday, March 26. A. DISTANCE LEARNING Although school will be closed during this time, students are expected to continue learning and completing academic work from home. Teachers will be in daily contact with you and your child to continue instruction through distance learning tools and prepared assignments that were sent home today. Teachers will also be checking assignments on a regular basis. The objective is to ensure that your child continues to learn during this time. Please check your emails as well as your child's class blog or class community app (i.e. ClassDojo and Google Classroom) daily for updates. Feel free to contact our technology coordinator, Mrs. Wong, at if you have questions about distance learning or need technical support. B. ATTENDANCE DURING CLOSURE Attendance will continue to be taken daily during this time. You will receive a document from your child's teacher that allows you to notify us on a daily basis as to whether your child is learning or is sick. Your response will become part of the permanent record. C. TESTING POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 Please notify us immediately if your child or any family member tests positive for the coronavirus. D. CANCELLED FIELD TRIPS All field trips scheduled during this two week period have been cancelled, which include Friday, March 13th Grade 1 field trip to the Academy of Sciences and Grade 2 field trip to the Bay Area Children's Theater on Tuesday, March 24th. E. CHOICE LUNCH ChoiceLunch has cancelled lunch orders during the school closure. Please login to your ChoiceLunch account to ensure that you received credit for these orders. Please contact them directly at if you have any questions. F. EVENTS RESCHEDULED - Grade 2 First Reconciliation - Tuesday, April 21
- Spring Show - Friday, April 24
- Mother & Son Dance - Saturday, April 25
- Mother & Son Bowling - Sunday, April 26
- BOBA sale - Friday, April 3
- 7th & 8th Grade Social - TBD
G. OTHER EVENTS There are no changes to the following events: - Annual Golf Tournament - Sunday, March 22
- Outdoor Education Program - Monday, April 6 through Thursday, April 9