Wednesday, March 25, 2020

STM Newsletter for Wednesday, March 25, 2020

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Dear Parents:

Your feedback on the parent surveys is extremely helpful to us as we plan for additional weeks of distance learning. Many of our parents are working in healthcare and other essential jobs, some are working from home and juggling time between their own work and that of their children. Unfortunately, some of our parents have been laid off from their jobs and face an uncertain financial future. Because of work situations, some of our families are unable to have students participate in online sessions or turn in student work according to deadlines given by teachers. Please know that we understand that this is not easy. Please contact your child's teacher directly to make accommodations that work for your family. 

As schools transition from campus-based to distance-based learning, our teachers and school staff continue to work daily to ensure our students are receiving the best instruction possible. As a ministry, it's important to remember that each Catholic elementary and high school operates on its own budget. Families, through tuition and fees, support the ministry of our school. We do not receive financial support from the church or the Archdiocese. As a result, tuition will continue to be applied during this period. We will continue to pay all our teachers and staff through this closure. Planning for next school year continues with re-registration and working to ensure that STM continues to provide the many excellent programs that we offer our students. While it is important that we continue to plan adequately for the future and we have deadlines that must keep us all moving forward, I also understand that some of you may be facing financial hardships. Please email me directly if you have concerns, need adjustments or extensions on your FACTS account or need emergency financial assistance. 

Today we received an update from the Department of Catholic Schools announcing that all Archdiocesan Schools will continue distance learning until Easter break.  We will then continue with our regularly scheduled Easter Break returning to school on April 20. Please see this letter from Superintendent Pam Lyons for more information. We are aware that local public schools will be closed until May 1.

Monday, March 30 will be a Professional Development day for our teachers and staff. There will be no additional work assigned to students on that day. This will allow us to plan and prepare for additional distance learning classes, catch up with correcting  and grading assignments and continue to study best practices in distance learning. I am in complete awe of all that our teachers have accomplished over the past two weeks. There was little time to prepare for school closure but they have learned and adapted new skills to enable learning to continue for our students.

Let's show that Bronco Spirit again!

Tuesday, March 30 - PJ

Wednesday, March 31 - Wacky Wednesday

Thursday, April 1 - Bronco/Sports

Friday, April 2 - Character/Superhero


Congratulations to our 8th grade students who received their high school decision letters last Friday. By the end of this week they will have made a final decision of where they plan to spend their high school years. We are so very proud of all their achievements and know they are all well prepared to succeed in the next chapter of their educational journey!
Fourth Grade's First Zoom Session


Our yearbook team would like to include photos of our students engaged in distance learning! Send us photos of your children working at home with their parents, grandparents, and family members or even pictures of teachers and students video conferencing on Zoom. Pictures of kids playing in their backyards or taking walks in the park during recess would be great too. 

Please send pictures to Mrs. Wong at or the 8th grade class rep at by Sunday, April 5, 2020.


For the duration of the Shelter-In-Place school closure, three of our eighth graders will be sharing Morning Announcement videos with the STM Community. Check it out on our school website at


The following events are postponed. We will not reschedule these until we have further information on school closures. 
  • 1st Annual Dance Party & Silent Auction
  • Boba Sale
  • Homework Club
  • 7th/8th Grade Social
  • March Minimum Day Pizza Sale
  • Grade 4 Garden for the Environment field trip
  • First Reconciliation
  • First Communion and Confirmation dates may be postponed as well


Our current fifth and sixth graders will attend their outdoor education program from September 29th-October 2nd as sixth and seventh graders.


Friday, March 27 - K-8 Re-registration due

Monday, March 30 - Teacher Professional Development Day

Wednesday, April 1 - Preschool Re-registration deadline

Thursday, April-Friday, April 17 - Easter Holiday

Check out our Parent Calendar for upcoming events.


It's time to re-register your child for the 2020-2021 school year. We ask that all current TK through seventh grade families complete their re-registration by Friday, March 27, 2020.


  • Re-registration Deadline: Friday, March 27, 2020

  • Re-registration Fee: $450 due by Friday, April 17, 2020

Students RETURNING to STM for the 2020-2021 school year 


Students NOT returning for the 2020-2021 school year


Here are the updated Financial Policies for the 2020-2021 school year. The tuition increase of approximately 4.5% will assist in balancing our budget. The rising cost of employee salaries and benefits, textbooks, school supplies and student activities were all factors in deciding the new tuition rates.

Contact our office at if you have any questions. 


It is important to allow time for students to talk about their feelings and fears at this time. Dr. Colorado, our counselor, is now back at work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and available to any student or parent who needs her. To book an appointment email Dr. Colorado directly at

Families who already order their yearbook may receive free shipping. Follow the update shipping address directions

It's not too late to order your yearbook. Visit Treering's website to order now!

Thank you again for your patience, kindness and flexibility. If I can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Marie Fitzpatrick

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